Chapter Six

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                                                   It has passed two months since I have arrived at the government main headquarters. I have learned a lot since the first day I came. Some people are surprised I lived this long. I have made sure I made a couple of friends with the higher people but a lot of the are gone right now. They are checking on advancements of weapons, space, and human experimentations. They always do that this time of year Kaylee told me after a couple weeks.
I have yet to meet the congressman's son Benjamin. I have asked for him but they say he's either gone on a  business trip or he's working in his lab. They say he's into science, technology, and inventing something that's top secret. But I plan to get a interview with him soon. So that will give me an opportunity to meet him and hopefully get on his good side.
I've gotten information from Henry recently to post just like he said I would. He's still the same he said he had seen Nicole recently after an accident at work. So she's doing well too. He also said that several people from his work have gotten Marked since they didn't finish their work in time or for some other reason he seemed sorta scared for me. People like what I write, I have been told.
I have an appointment this afternoon with Henry on some new armor design so I will be headed there shortly. I have an interview with Benjamin tomorrow. I'm very excited about that. I hope he's not as cold as kaylee said he was. Also I want to see that guy I met my first day here. The gentleman that  I ran into literally. He helped me up and seemed to have such nice manners as well as good looks.
My room here is a lot like my room at home, but this one has a whole wall that's a mirror and a desk separate from my bed which means I can leave stuff on it. I also have a computer23 now. Since I need it for work. Its a lot like my commndphone just bigger and has better color quility so I can see my work better.

Victoria liked the fact that she could write down her thoughts it in her commandphone diary. It helped her process them better. Sighing she checked her schedule on the on the commandphone, who she will see, and where to go for and an appointment. Which really helped her out since she was still getting around.
Grabbing her white jacket because it was kinda chilly outside, she walks out into the elevater and scans her card. Which told the elevater system what floor she needed to go to so she could get to her appointment faster. The doors close and it goes down quickly. The elevater was made of a shiny white material which showed your reflection. Alot of stuff was made that way here for some reason. I need to look into why sometime.
The elevatere opens at the Entrance area and  Victoria gets out. It wasnt that busy. Which is good because it would be easier to get through. Walking quickly she walks through the doors and toward the dome shaped building that Henry works at. He had been put in a higher position since the last time she saw him. Due to his talent and intelligence mind.
    After walking for a little bit Victoria arrives at the dome shaped building. Not sure what its called looks up at the sign ontop of it. "GWDD Government Weapons Designing Depot. Interesting" Victoria mutters and continues on in. The doors open automaticall letting her in. As she walks in she sees Henry standing over a floating table with some kind of magning glasses on his head with a thing that looked like a needle in his hand.  He was doing something to the armor with it. He looked so at home with what he was doing.
Victoria walks up to him "Hello Henry" Henry looks up trying not to look surprised "You scared me there for a second I wasn't expecting you for another 15 minutes." "I got done with needed done faster than I thought I would. So what are you doing here might I ask?" Henry takes the big magnifying glasses off and sets them on the table beside him then runs his hand through his hair and replys waving his hand over the armor. "Sure this here is the newest armor design. The material is made out of small light bullet proof metal balls sewn together, but the coolest thing about it is that the inside of the metal balls. We have removed all air. So that means they are impossible to open or shatter. They can not be broke by anything meaning bullets or sword, even missiles. Its impossible to get hurt while wearing it. Is'nt that amazing."
Victoria smiles at his show of excitement "That definitely does sound interesting. I can see why they put you in charge " Henry runs his hand over the armor for a moment then looks up at Victoria with those dreamy caramel eyes "Thank you for the compliment. I'm glad as well. Could uh, I show you something without you putting it on the report yet. The congressman Frank asked me to show it to you because this thing is super High tech and all"  Victoria nods seeing the hesitance in his eyes "Sure it will be completely off the record. I will not tell anyone."
Henry sighs "Good because this is kind of secret and it's a product of recent science research and testing." He turns and leads her toward the back of the room quickly. Victoria trying to not step on anything followed him through the maze of floating tables and chairs until they got to a red door at the other end of the room. Henry reaches into his pocket and pulls out a smooth metal ball and places it into the door keyhole.
"What's that for?" Victoria ask curiously. Henry glances at her as the whole door turns green and unlocks itself and the metal ball rolls back into his hand. As Henry places it back in his pocket he says surprised. "You haven't seen one of these before? I thought you would see them all the time since you live in the capital building." Victoria shakes her head. "No I haven't. What does it do exactly?"
Henry still looking surprised as he opens the door and walks in replies. "It's a key of sorts. As you know the symbol of the government is four small balls in some type of design. This is one of the four balls it represents. It lets me pass through any locked door in this building and only this building because I'm a weapon designer and so on."
Victoria nods sort of understanding but wondering why she hadn't seen it before. "Thanks for telling me. Maybe people do use them there I just haven't been paying attention to that fact." Henry shrugs "That's always possible. Anyway back to the subject before this. Since the world is at peace right now. Ruled by our eight congressmen their really is no need for weapons.  But they all decided to make them anyway just in case something does happen that makes us go to war. So they created this as a precaution."
Henry walks into the next room the glowing orb lights come on automatically. As Victoria looks around she sees the room is white like the rest and very clean. As her eyes travel around the room she sees a large part of the room surrounded by thick glass. Looking like a cage. Her eyes widen as she realize that it was really a cage. Her eyes stare harder at it trying to see what was inside.  A floating cot and a table and the toilet of course. She guessed that means whatever was in there never got out.

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