Chapter Forteen

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My life was going just as I had planned it too after I got the the job at the Government Weapon Design Depot he had moved up so fast in rank I even forget what I am sometimes. People here become Marks so fast because it's so hard to finish their work.
I put done the armor I'm working on I'm frustrated and scared because I already broke two of the rules. If I break one more they will make me a Mark too. I don't know what I will do if that happens. As the highest professor there at the moment I was most likely to break another one.
I have been studying and looking after our most valuable weapon Syrena she's a gem to the Lab not only in what she can do but her beauty also.
I walk away from the table and toward the Weapon rooms checking my on the new jail cells I'm making for the Marks who have gotten abilities that let them escape so easily. I sigh and start working on them.
"Sir I'm from the government I'm here to take you in." A man says. I jump slightly surprised to have someone else here "How did you get in here!" He didn't look like a regular officer but Henry knew who he was. He met him on the first day on to work his name's Peter. His scar was still on his face. Henry didn't like that man at all. Peter is the reason Syrena ended up in jail. I hide my reaction as I realize what he said. "Bring me in?"
Peter smiles "Yes, you have broken 3 rules the last one being you didn't finish you're work yesterday completely." I stare at him in shock this can't be happening to me. "But but I did! I'm still getting used to my new duties since I just moved to this position." "Guess you didn't get used to them fast enough. Because you didn't do all you were told to on your quota. Now" he raises his gun smiling "Come along."
I don't believe him but let him lead me put still in shock as he leads me out and into the prisoner transport and puts me in the back handcuffed like a criminal. "Time to go where all law breakers belong. The Mark prison." Peter says to me as he looks in the rear view mirror and starts driving toward the Labs where I know I will live the remainder of my life.


I'm in the office with Benjamin watching the News and reading the paper when the bell rings for more Marks arriving. "I'll be back." I say to Ben who waves his hand while he sits on his perch chair. Watching the News reports of his interview earlier today.
I sigh and walk into the elevator. It takes me anywhere up, down, left, and right. I go to the front door. Pushing the button I let  the transport in. It rolls in and Peter gets out and unlocks the back letting He to out "Come on you put we come this will be your  new home."
Henry gets out and his eyes go to Nicole he recognizes her immediately but not sure if he should say so by the look I give him. "Where do you want him?" Peter ask I blink and look back a Peter "Follow me."
They come into the elevator and we go sow and across to where all Marks go when they first arrive. "Here we are." I say and lead the way and I take a paper from Peter that tells me about Henry his health record and different medical issues. "Ok it looks like you're body can handle a good amount of pain Mr Henry from your pain levels. Please have a seat on the chair."
He does pretending not to pay attention. "That is rare to find Mr Henry. Because of that you will be join our rarer ones." Turning to Peter  I say "you may leve now we have much to discuss."
Peter nods "I'm sure glad to help. " turning he smiles at Henry "Good luck Mr Arto" with that he walks out

Henry was mentioned in Chapter Two and Three if you remember you can go back there and check it out if you missed that part. He has a distasteful future ahead of him but that's all I will say for now 😉
Thanks for the thousand followers! Just a heads up my favorite followers are the people that take the time to read the book so if your one of those tell me what you think and I might check out some of your books 👍

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