Chapter Thirteen

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Two weeks had passed since Ben first started flying, he felt much more so at home with the wings now more so than ever. He'd already seen his father who was so proud of him now. Ben felt like he was on top of the world, he had a press conference later today with Victoria's who he was kinda more then he should be excited to see.
I really felt a spark between us I think as a throw a nice white collared shirt on making sure I look my best. My wings were strapped to my back right now cause I didn't want them in the way. It was weird wearing a shirt again after not for several weeks.
Someone knocks on the door "Who is it?" I ask buttoning the last button. "You're father." "Come in" I say as he's already walking in. "My son look at you! You're the face of our company right now. Why are you putting a shirt on?" "I wanted to look presentable for the company Dad." "You don't need that son look at you the wings are presentable enough."
I sigh and undo all the buttons taking the shirt off and throwing it back up on the hanger. "Is this better?" "Much better, now let's get going we don't want to be late and I'm sure Nicole's already there too."
I nod and follow my father out the door to where the press and Victoria's awaits



Victoria's stood with the rest of the press waiting for Ben Flin to come out. Camera ready to get the first picture. I really don't think it's fair though because another person was given wings before him, he should be getting the credit not Ben. She looks around the lab looking for signs of torture because this Is probably one of the places they bring all the Marks for experimentation. I turn and look as I hear cameras clicking I put my camera up to my eye and gets picture too. Body pictures, face pictures, and wing picture. Ben sure did look good with the wings on he actually looked more fit than the last time I saw him he looked more filled out. He probably worked out every day to get the way he looks now.


Like my father said Nicolle was already out there in her white dress looking professional as ever. My eyes scan the crowd looking for only one person. That reporter girl with the orange hair and forest eyes. I find her toward the back of the crowd taking my picture like the rest. I shouldn't be surprised though that's her job.
"Fly for us!" A reporter calls out and others start yelling too "Yeah show us what you got!" "Fly!" Ben does a boyish grin and runs toward them then takes off leaping into the air his wings seeming so natural now lift his weight with ease.
He hears even more cameras clicking. His father would be so happy to know the public loved him.
After the press conference Ben watched The reporters leave keeping an eye on Victoria's he watched them all leave the building but Victoria's never exited. Ben turns to Nicole who was typing away on her Commandphone. "I'll be right back." He says not waiting for her to reply he walks over to the area he saw her turn into. It went deeper into the lab. She's probably looking for another story he thinks as he turns down the hallway


As soon as I was out of everyone's sight I dash off down the hallway looking for anything that might clue me into where my brother was being kept I only stop at each door for a second to read the bio about them. I round another corner and see a room marked "Lab 3 test experiments from 3/26/2160" I stop there that's when my brother was taken!
I try the door and it's locked it looks like it needs a key card frustrated I try to peak in the glass window. "You see what you're looking for?" A British voice I know ask behind me. I turn around so fast I'm nose to nose with Ben Flin I blush and my heart starts beating twice as fast I'm not sure its because of his closeness or because I was found out
""Uh, hello Mr Flin sorry to intrude I was uh, uh," I can't find and excuse "Looking for another story?" He ask raising his eyebrow I nod "Yes I wanted to write two things not just something about you that's what everyone else will be writing about you know." Ben nods "Ok I understand and what made you Choose this door hm?"
I gulp trying to hide how nervous I had become. "The patients in here have been here over a year if I wanted to find a story I will go for the ones that have been here longer." I say that was partially the truth. "We'll Miss Victoria's maybe one day you may but not today I have other things to attend too now good day." Victoria's nods seeing she couldn't check today but she will ask him again soon very soon.

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