Chapter Four

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As they arrive and wait for their turn to exit Victoria ask Henry "So I guess this is goodbye for now." Henry smiles "We will see each other again don't worry." then turns and exits headed toward one of the small globe shaped building.
Victoria watchs him go as she steps off but quickly walks over to the side so she can study the map on her commandphone. She clicks the GI symbol and then hit the map on the menu and it gives her a bird's eye view of where shes standing right at this moment and people walking by. Victoria study it curious she had never seen such a good quality app before and this one was so cool it was perfectly clear and no lagging. She clicks the find job button then a red arrow appears on her screen pointing her toward the white and glass buildings.
Victoria follows her phone so glad it showed her everything since she's not a good person at directions. After about 12 minutes of walking her phone shows she had arrived. Looking up from her birds eyes view on her phone and and onto her ground view Victoria's eyes widen in surprise at the size and technology of the building. It was white like the others but this one seemed to be slightly glowing like a glow stick and it was at least 200 stories tall. It was had a round angle of course which gave it like a very tall Popsicle look. Victoria looks closer at the building seeing that some of its walls because they were so shiny she could see her reflection. She steps closer and reaches out and touches it and feels the smooth and cool surface feeling the hum of energy beneath it.
"It is amazing isn't it?" someone said from behind her. Victoria jumps in surprise and quickly turns to see a black curly haired african female probably in her late 20s standing behind her. "I was just admiring it." Victoria stammers feeling her cheeks turn pink in embarrassment. The female laughs "It's alright I'm so glad someone likes my work not many do anymore. Sigh, Anyway I'm Kaylee Rain the architect of these dear buildings."
Victoria looks even more surprised than when she saw the buildings and says "You designed these! I can't believe it I thought it'd take someone well, older or a lot of smart people!" Kaylee grins and replys "Yes, I did and it looks like I'm smart enough for a lot of smart people. And we can be as old as our minds decide us to be. Now please now tell me your name and your business here. The congressman doesn't usually yet such a young person in this particular building unless their really important."
"My name is Victoria Fern. I got the job here as the Government's reporter." Victoria replys and sees Kaylees face change into almost a look of pity as she says "They always seem to be getting a new reporter ever year. The last one well, let's say he died suddenly. I don't want that to happen to you. You seem like a nice person to be around. Hmm, I'll give you a couple tips but you must promise me you won't tell anyone that it was me that helped you out understand?"
Victoria wanting all the help she could get since several people were telling her that replys. "Sure I would love the help and I promise I won't tell anyone." Kaylee glances behind them to make sure no one she knew was coming their direction then turns back and says quickly. "The others were to nosy and were very obvious about it. You must learn to remain curious but not act upon it. The answers will be given to you eventually. Also you need to have people like you in high up places so that they don't ask someone to fire you or worse. So even if you hate them pretend like they're your best friend, Because they can save your life too. I would recommend you become friends with the top congressman Frank's son. His sons names Benjamin he can defiantly rise to your defense. But he doesnt have that many friends because hes very cold and serious. But if you want to live to say it bluntly. I recommend you make yourself known to Benjamin and show him you want to be friends. Otherwise you won't have as much as a chance at keeping your job. Do you understand Victoria?"
Victoria nods slowly thinking about all she said and and replies. "I will take your advice. Thank you Kaylee." Kaylee nods and takes a step back and says smiling "Well, It was nice meeting you Victoria I wish you the best of luck at your job. I hope we see each other again." and waves as she walks away from her and toward one of the doors.
Victoria takes a deep breath not sure what to her future held but wanting to meet it head on. Walks into the building with determined steps.

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