Chapter Nine

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Vitoria backs up quickly trying to get the picture of the head out of her mind, walking back quickly she trips on her own feet and falls backward. Expecting to hit the ground she puts her hands out but she hears hurried footsteps behind her and feels as well as sees two strong arms come under her arms and catches her as she falls back against his chest.
He grunts at the full weight of her in his arms and pulls her up with him as he lifts himself back up to a standing position along with her. He lets her go and brushes himself off and says with a familiar deep british accent. "We have seriously got to stop meeting like this Miss." Victoria having been released turns to see who it is and looks surprised at the gentleman that she had run into the first day she arrived.
"You're the guy I met on my first day, are you Mr. Flin?" Victoria ask then adds embarrassed. "Yes, I am sorry that we have to keep meeting this way. It's just that you have a human head sitting on that table over there and it freaked me out. So that's why I tripped."
Benjamin nods "Yes, I am sorry I never introduced myself that day we were both in a hurry. My name is Benjamin Flin I'm head of the technology and science here. The uh, human head you had seen is not a human head at all. It's a Trekiod head. It's actually why I have an appointment with you. You're going to put it on the technology side on the government paper. It's our biggest breakthrough in a while with robots anyway."
Benjamin walks over to the table with the head on it and and points at it and states. "As you can see this head looks extremely human. One of the reasons I guess to freak out, I might have too. Had I not known that it was robot" Victoria smiles still embarrassed looks at the head with a new perspective. It looked very real the details were amazing whoever had painted the face had been extremely talented. Her eyes scan it carefully it had a good a nice jawline it was sharp but angled very well
"Did you make him yourself or did the other scientist help you out?" Victoria's asked as she admired it. "Some did help out but they thought it would never work so they didn't waste anymore time with it but I kept working with him and he acts like a normal human being when turned on." Ben says glad to share one of his mdreams with someone else.
Victoria's shifts her eyes from the Trekiod to Ben and ask curiously "Can you turn him on for me?" Ben nods "Sure but let me attach his head to the rest of his body." picking the head up he walks with it to a corner in his office and puts his hand on some sort of hand reader. A light goes over his hand and a door in the wall slides open showing a hidden room the size of a walk in closet on a seat in the middle of the room is the rest of the Trekiods body.Ben brings the head over to it and places the head on the neck that was magnetic so it snapped together. He then hit button somewhere on its neck and the Trekiod began to move.
He raised himself off the ground and stands next to Ben "Good evening sir. How may I be of service?" Ben grins and looks at Victoria's "Awesome right?" Then turns his eyes to Flin the Trekiod "Nothing right now I just wanted to introduce you to my friend Victoria's." Flin turns his eyes to me and says "Good evening Miss it's nice to meet you, I hope you are enjoying you're time here at the main corrupt office."
I nod "I am the things in here are very fascinating."
"They are aren't they. Well if you need me I will be over here." Flin says and walks over to Ben's table and starts working on something
I'm still amazed by the Trekiod I don't notice Ben again until he touches my arm "Hey you in there?" I blink quickly "Yes I am sorry lost track" "It's ok as I was saying the Trekiod gene is a rather peculiar subject the...." Ben goes on to explain stuff for the article as Victoria's writes things down quickly
She looks up after she's finished and ask "So can he feel like us?" "No he doesn't. He doesn't have emotions Im trying to figure out how to make him have some but we will see." I thoughtfully ask "Can he be rewired or serve someone else?" "Well, I guess so anything really can be can't it? Anyway I must go you can ask Flin a question or two but then leave. Have a good day Miss Victoria's it was nice to actually meet you." Ben says and walks out of the office.
Victoria's just looks at Flin and takes a couple pictures of him wanting to study them later. Ben said he had guns in him so if she wanted to get her brother out having a emotionless gun caring matching with her would give her a lot more chance of success. She smiles as she walks out of the office. She was going to steal the Trekiod one day.

(Ben is in picture)

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