Chapter Ten

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Ben walks into the elevator and tightens his tie not really looking forward to his next meeting. His father was expecting him to show up looking his best. Ben sighs at his last conversation with his father.

"I don't see why you had to schedule that appointment with the press right before the meeting you know that it will be one of the most important meeting we have!" His father spouts angrily at him.
"I didn't realize that sir, i won't stay long with her but I had scheduled that meeting a while back before you planned this one, and you told me Never to go back on my word." Ben replys back frustrated. His father just waves his hand in the air. "Just be there on time!"

Ben blinks as the elevator doors open and he steps out people stepping out of his way in respect saying his name and lowering their heads when he passed them. He didn't bother to stop and tell them not too his father said he deserves it after what all his family did and is doing for man kind. Ben personally preferred to stay in his lab out of the public eye but his father insisted he be at this meeting. He walks down the long hall to another elevator an gets in and pressed the farthest floor down.
He reaches the bottom and walks into the conference room where the meeting was about to take place. "So glad you made it son." His father Frank says sounding loving which he was not "Let us begin." He says and Ben goes and takes his place at his father's left side of the table on the right side of the table was Kaylee his head chairman.
"So the recent finding and discovers are what I want to hear. Edward you're in charge of that fill me in." Frank Ben's father orders. Edward looks down at his notes and touching his spectrales he starts to say something that sounded like he practiced it forever for the meeting. "Well sir, the trials on the test subjects have been going better. 30% has lived these last two weeks instead of just 10% . We have actually succeed in making one perfect we just need a regular person who's not marked to try it willingly."
"Which one have you created perfect?" Frank says impatiently. Edward shifts a little "The one that we can stick wings on the back of a human giving them the ability fly like a bird." Frank leans back in the chair looking thoughtful. "So it'd be like Maleficent kinda a big fairy?" "Yes sir" "Wonderful! I love this idea we can start selling my this as soon as we try it on someone then! They'd have to be willing and probably higher up for people to know it's safe. Anyone here volunteer?"
Everyone at the table stares shocked at him. "What it makes the most sense someone higher up will definitely tell them it's safe."
Ben sits quietly realizing this was his chance to prove to his father that he was a worthy son not just in mind but in trust and body.
"I'll do it." He says confidently over the table of people arguing who should do it. They all go silent and stare.

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