Chapter 7

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Preston's POV
School. Today was my first day back being mute. But Piper was there. I was wearing a shirt with a Skelton hand on it. I looked kinda weird but I always look weird. My friend Tyler who is a guy but gay ran up to me and hugged me. I wrote
"Tyler! OMG! I missed you! Hey I have some bad news so I'm gonna sign it.". He nodded and I told him I was mute "It's ok Preston. I'll always be your friend." I thanked him and we went to class.

Skip tell after school cause why not.

I. Hate. School. I got thrown against a locker today by the jocks. I had I busted lip and I had a cut on my arm. I walked home and tried to go upstairs before anyone sall me. But Pete and Patrick had different plans. "How was school today hun?" Asked Pete. I gave him a thumps up and ran upstairs. I ran to my room and closed the door. I layed my head against it for a second and closed my eyes. I than went over to my desk. I sat down and grabbed my new book 'Crank'. Right as Pete and Patrick walked in. I slammed my head on my desk. What did they want from me now? "What's wrong hun?" Asked Patrick. What do I tell them. I just looked up and let them figure it out themselves. Pete gasped and so did Patrick. They just looked at me. They went to say something but I burst out in tears and cried into my hands. Then Pete and Patrick picked me up and sat me on the bed. They hugged me and wouldn't let me go. Uhg. I hate myself sometimes I'm just so needy. Why did this happen to me?

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