Chapter 10

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Preston's POV
Pete was sitting beside me starring. That's until Patrick walked in. He waved at me and I waved back. Andy walked in with Joe right behind him. They all sat down and starred at me. I looked up from my phone and sall them just starring. I signed to Pete
"Why are they starring at me?"
"Thier worried. That's why Preston we want to know your ok." I nodded. That's when I stoud up and their gaze followed. They wouldn't expect what came next. I jumped over the couch and ran out the door. I ran as fast as I could. I texted Piper

To: Piper
Hey! Can you come to the park?

From: Piper
Yeah! I'll be there in a bit!

With that I shoved my phone in my pocket and took off. I heard feet behind me. I took a sharp turn and ran to the park. Piper was there and I ran to her. "Hey Preston. You ok?" She asked and I nodded. That's when I sall Pete,Patrick,Andy, and Joe barrel into the park. They sall me and ran towards me. I took off I'm the opposite direction. I ran up a tree and sat down. The boys sat at the bottom catching their breathes before they came up. I plugged in my headphones and played 'Mama By My Chemical Romance.' I layed my head against the tree. I almost fell asleep until I felt strong arms wrap around me. I didn't struggle I just let it happen. I knew it was Andy. He scaled down and handed me to Pete. We walked home well they did. Pete took me upstairs and unplugged my headphones and turned on my speaker. He layed me down. He layed beside me and Patrick layed on my other side. I was comfy. They were comfy. That's when I looked at the darkness and let it wrap around me and cunsum me. I love the dark.

There is two kinds of darkness. The good kind and the bad kind. I've been to the bad side. I have seen people there that shouldn't be. That's until some friends took my hand and showed me the joys of the good dark. I think more people should be here then there.

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