Chapter 12

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Preston's POV
I shouldn't have left but I wanted to get out of that house. They keep babing me since I'm a mute. It really gets on my nerves. I was walking down the street when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find Piper and a short black haired man. "Hey Preston! What are you doing out here all alone?" I didn't have my board so I typed on my phone
"Nothin. I just wanted to go for a walk by myself." I showed it to her and the guy said," Well if your a mute you shouldn't be out here by yourself." I looked at Piper that said,"Who's that?' She got the picture and said," Oh Preston this is my other dad. Frank." He waved and I waved back. "Preston do we need to take you back home?" She asked. I shoke my head no I maid a sign saying I had to go. They waved goodbye and I did to. That's until. I got a text from Pete to meet them at the coffe shop. I didn't reply and just stared walking there. When I walked in Pete,Andy,Joe, and Patrick were all in a bouth. I walked over to them. Pete looked up and signed
"Pull up a chair we need to talk." Well then. So I pulled up a chair why'll they finshed their coffe. They looked at each other than me. Well fuckedy fuck fuck. This should be fun,Not.

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