Chapter 9

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Pete's POV
I didn't understand how a pretty girl like her could go through this much and still mange to get through life. Andy and Joe took Preston on a walk to cool off. She was a bit mad still and we kinda pushed some buttons and she blew. And when I say blew I mean she lit into Patrick. She then apologized and climbed out the window. Andy found her and Joe got her calmed a bit then they left. I was sitting on the couch when they came back. Andy had a hold off Joe's hand and have a bruse on his arm. Joe did to. Preston hurried up the stairs. I ran up after her to find her sitting on her bed with her head in her hands. I walked over to her. "Are you ok?" I asked. No answer. "Preston?" Nothing. "Babe what's wrong." She looked for her board but I said quickly "You can sign it. I know sign language." She signed fast but slow enough for me to understand
"Andy and Joe kept asking me questions and I was getting mad so I hit them. Andy chased me for a block then Joe poped out of a corner and grabbed me. They dragged me here." I sighed. "Can I help?"
"Tell them I'm sorry. Tell Patrick I am to. I just want to be alone for a bit." "Well I can't allow that after what happened, hun."
"Ok, just. I'm just gonna sit downstairs and don't ask any questions." She signed then got up. She walked down stairs and sat down. She poped in her ear buds and listened to music. She was ignoring the world. I was ok with that as long as she was safe.

Sorry for not updating OCCT'S were this week and I kinda had my hands full. Longer chapter tomorrow I promise. And remember it's good to be you. I might never meet you guys but I love you. Know I care. Love you guys. Bye!

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