Chapter 8

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Trigger warning!! Do not read if you are easily triggered!!!!!!!
Preston's POV
I woke up this morning and decide against breakfast. Pete was up and was drinking coffee when I walked downstairs. He just looked at me as I grabbed my back pack and board. I walked out of the house and headed to school. I played music and walked to school. When I showed up I realized I was early but so was Sam."Oh look. The Freak Mute is here." She said to her friends. I just walked by them but then got shoved into a locker. "Don't you dare not notice me. Bitch. I'm your ruler. I'll write your tradgies!" She hissed in my face. I wrote on my board
"And I'm your worst Nightmare." With that I punched her square in the jaw. Just as the principle walked in. "Mrs.Winters! Did you just hit Mrs.Urie?" He asked me and I just nodded. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to his office. "We do not fight in my school! I am suspending you for a week! I'm also calling your fathers!" Shit! He's gonna bring Pete into this! Fuuuucccckkkk! I nodded. 15 minutes later Pete's walking in the office. He gave me a death glare and I just looked down. "Mr.Wentz. As you have heard your daughter got into a fight with Mrs.Urie. I am suspending her for a week." Pete nodded and opened the door for me. We got to the car and he let it all out,"SERIOUSLY! WHAT THE HELL PRESTON! WHY DID YOU FIGHT WITH SAM!?" He screamed. I wrote
"She was picking on me and I punched her in fairness sense I can't talk,Pete!" I showed it to him and his anger subsided. The drive home was silent. Then we showed up at the house and Patrick was outside. Well shit. I got out of the car and walked to him. He gave me a death glare. "Well,well. Young lady do you have anything to say? "Babe, Preston was standing up for herself. Sam was picking on her and Preston's alway to protect herself was with violence." Pete said for me. Patrick sighed a nodded towards the door telling me to go inside. When I walked in Joe and Andy were standing there giving me the same glare. What had the whole town found out! I walked past them just as Pete and Patrick walked in. I went upstairs and threw my bag against the wall. I flopped down on my bed and layed there. At that moment I welcomed death with open arms. Pete walked in and sat on the side of my bed. He let out a sigh. He then said,"Are you ok?" I shock my head. Ok? No! Pissed? Very much so! He nodded then walked out. I turned on my music then brought out an old friend of mine. My blade. I brought it to my skin a cut for each word.
Fuck up.
Finally, Nothing.
That's what I was. Nothing. As I fished Pete walked in with Patrick. They looked at my bloody arm with sadness. Pitty. Pete ran to the bathroom why'll Patrick ran to me. He grabbed me up and sat me in his lap. He held my arm as Pete cleaned it. Once they fished they wrapped it up. Pete walked me downstairs and Patrick followed. They sat me down and said,"Tell us why." How do I tell them. That I'm screwed up and a mess up. That I hate my life. You don't. You just sit there. I wrote one thing
"Life's why." They looked confused then they figured it out. That people hate me for me. They want me to be a little toy. A bitch. They don't want me to be............


Don't let people tell you who to be. Be you and don't be sad about it. Because there's only your simle. Only your hair. Only one of you.

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