Chapter 15 (The End)

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Pete's POV
  Preston had just spoke last month. When we had taken her to the hospital we told them about her voice and how she had just used it. They did X-rays on her arm wich was just sprained. Then they x-rayed her throat. They said her vocal cords were damaged and need time to heal and to do that was to put her in a medical induced coma. They scheduled it for today. "Pete,babe,you ready to go?" Asked Patrick from the door. His voice cracked a little. I nodded and stoud up from the couch and walked to him and Preston at the door. Preston looked scared but happy at the same time. We walked out the door and towards the car. Patrick started tearing up and I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

     *At the hospital*

    They had gotten her all set up and comfy. Patrick had already started sobbing and had to step outside. I couldn't blame him. We were losing are baby girl for god knows how long. "Daddy" I heard a tiny whisper. I looked up and Preston was looking at me with tears in her eyes. "Yeah baby?" "I'm scared I don't wanna leave you and Papa." I held up a finger signaling her to hold on a second. I stoud up and stepped outside and grabbed Patrick. He looked at me but when I dragged him towards te door he didn't question it. I whispered to him,"Preston's scared to do this pat." He nodded and me and him stepped in. "Hey baby." Said Patrick softly. "It's gonna be okay." He sat down and held her hand."Your just gonna go to sleep for a bit and wake up in a couple months or weeks just depends on what that throat of your choses." He said smiling trying to cheer her up to which he succeeded. She nodded her eyes starting to close. Patrick started to cry agian and this time so did I. I didn't know what to do so I sat down beside Patrick and held her hand also. "I-its okay to go to sleep now baby. We'll be here when you wake up." I said still crying. She smiled and closed her eyes she whispered,"I love you guys." Just like that she was gone. Asleep. Patrick started sobbing and so did I. I stoud up and so did Patrick. I leaned down and kissed her head and Patrick kissed her cheek. I covered her up. I took Patrick's hand and just before we stepped out I whispered,"and we love you to,baby girl." I stepped outside as time began to start. My baby girl asleep and my lover in my arms.

And there we go guys. The book is done and over. I hope you liked it and comment if what you thought I should have done diffrent. Thank you guys so much for reading. Love you all! Bye,Stuffies!!

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