Tris pov

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It seemed like nothing could go wrong and the all this factions decided to show up. Don't get me wrong I'm happy I get to reconcile with my parents, but I fell like I have to act like Beatrice around them and I'm so much stronger then her know. Let me get one thing straight I am, Six fearless dauntless leader and I will not act differently. I go upstairs and change for a day at work. My main job as one of the leaders is to be on the Council so I go to the meetings. Now that most of the leaders are here I'll probably mostly help Tobias. We used to be reckless our faction as a whole but Eric got executed for planning to make us all killing puppets. Now we believe what we should Tobias main job is to stop reckless behavior over see training sessions and if there's something suspicious going on you can probably bet that Max has his dauntless prodigies on it. I put on black skinny jeans and a black crop top. Me and Tobias leave for work. We work in the same office Christana and Will are right beside us through a connected door and they pretty much do everything we do Max over sees the whole faction (sorry kinda felt the need for that to all be explained some of it plays a crucial part later on). "Hey Tris" Christina says. I shoot her a smile. " The first thing we need to do is go down to the cafeteria and make sure the other leaders didn't get lost then do what ever else you'll have planed" max says. "Oh Max do we have to check no one wants the Stiffs, Noses, Hippies, or Smart mouths here anyway" I moan out. "Six yes you have to check at least then I know you guys aren't making out on the couch" he says with a smirk. We all look at each other and roll eyes. "That only happened once" Will yelled. We all laughed and left begrudgingly to see if the other leaders are stupid enough to not know how to get to the cafeteria. The first thing we see is Zeke with a red face shouting at a Smart mouth. "Stand down Zeke" Four all but yells. He turns to us with a glare on his face "I won't he just said something about us all being a bunch of hellions that know nothing but brute force and said we were all alcoholics". He fumed. I silently turned my full force Six glare on this man that thinks he has a right to say this. "Who do you think you are we have the hospitality to let you start here when we could have thrown you off the chasm, we dauntless are at least loyal to each other and that's a lot more than any of you f*****g people can say now dauntless go back to your meal and Zeke please behave".

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