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After me and tris calmed down we decided to get the other leaders and go to lunch. Tris walk right into where they are all working and says " It's time for lunch either come with us or wait until dinner because we won't serve again" and then we start making our way to the canteen with our hands linked. We heard lots of shuffling feet behind us and assumed the other faction leaders were behind us. It was a bit weird having all this happen at once but I guess it's just how life works and sadly most of the time it seems the odds are stacked against us but we'll pull through.
It was 9:00 and we had just gotta text from Zeke saying that the bastard had went up with him. Me and tris crept down the stairs what we didn't predict was for her parents to still be up and down there. Her eyes widened for a minute she obviously didn't think she was going to have to explain this until tomorrow. We tried to just walk past them but Andrew stopped us by saying "Where are you two going at this time of night that can't wait until tomorrow?". I stared at Tris as if having a battle of wills about who was going to explain all of this to him. Then Natalies voice cut in "Oh Andrew let them have their fun, we've already taken over their house." Tris shot her a grateful smile and we both rushed off to Apartment A 14. We stopped when we herd the tears and looked at each other nodded and walked in. Smug bastard didn't think anyone would think of walking into his house and left the door unlocked he's way too cocky. Then we heard the sobs stop when we walk in. "Olivia" Tris says softly but firmly. I heard a slight hitch of breath from the kitchen and sent a wink towards Tris before going in there. At first I didn't see anything then Tris came in and suggested opening the pantry and cabinets. When I got to the last and smallest one what I saw made my blood boil. She whimpers when she sees me and Tris immediately rushed over. "Sweetheart we're not her to hurt you we're here to get you out if you want it. My names Tris and this is Tobias (yes I meant to do that)." She blinked tears away and nodded Tris helped her out of the cabinet. When she tried to put Olivia down she clung to her like a life line. A child shouldn't have so many demons at least we have her now and I vow that never again will someone put a single hand of harm towards my princess without going through me to get to her. I smiled at the thought. Me and Tris quietly snuck back out and closed the door. That monster would probably not even realize that his daughter in nothing but blood was gone. That thought pisses me off beyond words but at least she's safe here with me and Tris. We got home and thank heavens above Andrew and Natalie had gone to bed me and tris shared a secret smile. We are going to have Liv sleep with us until her nightmares stop her head was tucked tightly and Tris next her hands trembling. She was so small it looks like she's been deprived of food for years the beautiful girl probably has been. Tris started humming something "you are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when clouds are gray you'll never know dear how much I love you please don't  take my sun shine away." Olivia slowly loosens her grip and falls into a fitful sleep. We put her in the middle of us we grab each other's hands and slowly fell asleep like that. Mother daughter and father.


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