Calebs pov

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I'm really not enjoying my time here. I know Tris loves it here but I'm just not seeing the appeal of it. Why would you want to spend your life in a hole a literal hole inside the ground. Mother and father also seem to like it here but then again it'd be selfish to think rudely of it. They also seem to like this Four guy but I don't I mean he's two years older than her for god sake it's obvious what he wants her for. I wish she would just open her eyes he's not actually in love with her. She should have never chosen Dauntless a Faction filled with adrenaline junkie's it's hard to see my baby sister like this. It's like she's completely forgotten are upbringing. She was always the selfless one but here it's like she's completely different and I know it has something to do with that boyfriend of hers. I mean just last night I heard them talking about something and then all of a sudden when I walked in the room they got really quiet Beatrice would have never kept secrets because in abnagation we weren't allowed to have them. But here that's all she seems to have is secrets her name her former faction what ever her and that boy we're talking about. Susan likes it here so I guess that's good at least one of us is having fun but I can't help but wonder what would have happened if she has never changed factions. So many things would be different but I mean I've changed too. Then I hear the door unlocking and a deep bellow of laughter that sounds familiar,it's my fathers. I smile after six months it's good to hear the sound of his and my moms constant talking I remember my favorite memory of my old home was how in love they were and how even though it was against the rules they made sure at least in our house to always be touching somehow. "Yes Nat, I know that I just find it funny I mean did you see how much she looks like both of them that really could be there biological child." I furrowed my eyebrows who could they be talking about I mean how would they know anyone here. "She reminds you of her doesn't she Andrew." And I could hear the smile in my mothers voice. " So so much Nat, I can barely fantham it but I'm so so proud." Who would they be proud of just then I heard someon shout "you've gotta catch me first." really loudly.

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I laughed to myself as I walked in slamming the door quickly and locking it since I'm the one with the keys. I turned around and was startled to see my parents there with both eyebrows raises and both trying not to laugh. "Hey Bea, you want to tell us what that's about?" "Umm well you see Four got mad because I beat him in a fight in the training room (Liv is in daycare) and then I told him it was because I was stronger then him and then ran up here with him running after me and then he said he was gonna tickle me but I ran in here and I have all the keys meaning he can't get in." I said very proud of myself I've really loved running since I got here so I was able to beat Tobias because I had just a little bit of a head start but he'll kill me when he finally gets in. My parents shoulder both shook with mirth at the situation. I smiled fondly they're so much less strict here they're really allowing our rules in. "Beatrice," I know I don't normally like the name but hearing them saying it is different "you know he's going to tickle you when he gets in." Rolling my eyes I sat on the couch "if he does I don't know how he would get in You guys have are extra set of keys and I keep track of all the other sets because he looses them quite a lot." My parents full our burst in laughter at that. And then Four walked in

I know you all probably want to kill me for not updating but I got done with band camp yesterday and I've had dance camp but here it is comment and vote lovelys

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