Tris pov

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We decided to go to breakfast. There's been a lot of stuff going on lately and I'm so happy that we finally have Olivia, I know how my brothers going to act though, and it won't be good maybe Susan can get him to act better I know she'll be in love with her. Right when we get down there Zeke spots us "is this the little princess", he ask softly as not to scare her. Four nights so he's only one of our friends that knew he slowly takes Olivia out of his own "Hi, Olivia my name is Zeke and we are going to have so much fun together, you just wait and see I'm your godfather." She gives him a small smile and we all go and sit down. All of the other leaders decided to form there own table since most dauntless aren't trying to sit with them and they don't blend in with all there different colors. Right when we sit the table gets quiet and is just staring at us awkwardly. Four decides to break the silence "What would you like for breakfast Tris and Liv?" "You mean I actually get to eat my old daddy only let me eat once a week." She says happily then burrows her head harder into Zekes shoulder when she hears all the gasps from around us. "Just get us anything Four, and yeah princess you can eat whenever you'd like never be afraid to ask me and daddy for food." I rolled my eyes at the louder gasps from our table I think this is the quietest our table has ever been. "Okay mommy can I sit with Uncle Zekey and eat." I smiled that's the first time she had ever called me mommy and it fells really good to hear. Tobias comes over and sura next to us wrapping an arm fondly around my shoulder and giving it a squeeze. "Alright here Liv you have to eat at least half of what's in your plate before you get up." He says while passing me my plate and Zeke Olivia's. "Thank you daddy". He smiles brightly at her and I kissed his cheek. "Tris prior" Christina whisper shouts at me "what is wrong with you and why did I not know about this." All the table but Zeke and Shauna start nodding figured he'd tell her she sends me a week. "Nothing is wrong with me Christina, and don't call me Tris in here. Also this is the case me and four have been working on. This is Olivia everyone she is me and fours child we adopted her out of a abusive home, and yes Will before you asks Max knows what we did. Christina will you be her godmother?" She smiled and nods excitedly. This is turning out better then I thought it would a look at fours face tells me he agrees. Wow maybe this won't be as bad as we assumed we made it past my parents and all of our friends but now we have to face Susan and my brother, maybe we'll do it after work.


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