~ Fourty~

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_Connie's P.O.V_

i stood there, watching him leave.

"no..no no no this cant be happening!"

i grabbed his ring and ran out the front door ..

i looked around frantically trying to see if i could catch up with him..


He wasn't anywhere to be found. i dropped to my knees and held his ring tight to my chest and i felt the tears filling up in my eyes, i had a lump in my throat the feeling..i couldn't explain it


whats wrong with me..

is he.. really gone.....he..he cant be.....

i put my hands up to my head and rested my forehead on the ground trying not to scream

i started to cry, and saying to my self softly "he was my everything, he brought me up when everything was wrong, he was my first friend...first everything....now...hes gone."

i started crying even harder and hugged his ring even tighter

its all my fault..i ruined this...im back...to what i used to be


__Steven's P.O.V__

i was stumbling back to my house, starting to have my eyes fill up with tears.. i could go on..i ddnt want to...but i made that choice..i decided to keep movie


that's all i could say, she's all i could think about..

i kept feeling my finger, where my ring used to be..

why the hell did i do that...

"i really don't need her, she was trying to ruin she was being selfish...then i took my ring of..and those eyes of hers' and i just..''

i shook my head and patted my cheeks

no! Steven get a grip you did the right thing..she just isn't right for you! haha , she tried making you stop being a gem! tried making you stop living you dream of full filling your mother's footsteps..

having everyone actually... appreciate you

i eventually made my way back to the house and the gems were sitting there..

"Steven! wheres...connie..?" pearl shot up and said

but i put my hand up blowing all three of them off...

Garnet got up and grabbed my arm


i smacked her off of me..

"Get off of me garnet! i don't need this right now.."

they looked at each other and then back at me

"steven.." amethyst let out


"wheres the shiny thing that's usually on your finger..? a ring i think its called ?"

i just stopped..everything in me froze

i felt like i couldn't breathe, walk , or talk...


i clenched my my shirt and dropped to my knees

i realized what an idiot i was..i stopped dead in my tracks...

i cant go back.. i ended it, i took my ring off, that was final...

i let down connie..


the gems..


((Sorry for another short chapter..but hey, the story is still moving forward xD))

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