They become friends

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"Hey! Talk to me!", says Aria.
"What should we talk about?", asks Rahi in a dumb way.
'OMG! Everything i heard about you was really true." says Aria making a shocked face.
Rahi feels curious to know what Aria has heard about her.She says,'What did you hear about me? I am not even a  popular girl in school. What do you know about me already?'
'When i entered the princi's room, princi talked to my dad and told a lady to take me to my class.That woman told me to stay away from you because they think you are kind of crazy. She left me outside the classroom and told me to wait for the class teacher.I was standing outside the class till the class teacher came. Then the teacher told me that you are a irregular student. she also said that they are not blaiming you for the irregularity because you are mentally disturbed according to her! i didn't believe her but i felt curious about you. Now I also think that you have some mental defect.'
Rahi thinks that everybody has told Aria about someone else. Because she is a very quiet girl with almost no friends. No teacher should know her. She is a very regular but unpopular student. And most importantly she hasn't done anything for which one can call her 'Mentaly Disturbed'.
Rahi says,"How can you be so sure that they were talking about me? huh?!They must be talking about someone else."
Aria shakes her head and says," The lady from princi's room described your face and it completly matches. They were obviously talking about you."
Rahi says,"OH!!But i don't know why they said that i am crazy! It is really weird. You know, i actually don't think like others, maybe that's why they think that i am mad. Yeah it can be the reason."
Aria says,' Yeah i guessed that. You look different. You behaviour is different.'
Rahi says,' Look Aria, if you are trying to be a friend of mine you should know things about me.'
Aria nodds.
Rahi says,' Look you are a very good student and i am not. i don't like nerd students. In fact i can't resist them because..umm.. i don't know why..maybe i am jealous..?i don't actually i am not jealous. i just don't understand their lifestyle..'
Rahi looks at the floor.
Aria asks,' what do you not understand about our lifestyle?'
Rahi says,"i don't understand how you manage to read the whole day? it isn't normal.' "what else we have without studying? we are born to study,'says Aria.'No aria .we are born to live. yeah we have to study to secure our future. but we should also live life. Don't you think we are too busy to enjoy the life?' 'how can we enjoy life? i don't understand you. would you please explain? 'look i don't know about you. i am just talking about in general. they wake up around 6 am then rush to school. after school they rush from one coaching class to another. they don't have the time to stop by a tree and feel the beauty. they know nothing about the world.they only know about the text book. they never gets the time to see the beauty of nature."says Rahi. Aria nods," yeah. but i can't be the first girl of the class if i think like you and stop studying." "yeah, so don't be my friend okay?" sighs Rahi. they both stay silent for a while then aria breaks the silence," but yiu know what? i can try to live like you for one semister. i mean i don't have to become first in every semister and class. it is not like that." Ragi says,' Then what are gonna do?" "i think i am gonna stay with you for somedays."says Aria. " In my house?"asks Rahi. "No, my parents won't allow that.So i am just gonna spend some time with you after school. only if you have no problem with that." Rahi smiles. This girl is cute. she is not like other nerd students. Rahi has already started liking her. " So, where do you go after school?"asks Aria. "i won't tell you. You will see after school. but I don't know if you would like the place or not." says Rahi. Oh, i will obviously like that place." says Aria.

Hi friends..i am writing after a really long time..i was so busy with my exams....ugrhhh..i hate exams.. Sorry for this late upload..
i hope you would enjoy this story
Please try overlook all my mistakes...:).. ....

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