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Oronno's P.O.V

Rahi survived.

The kids survived.

Our SSC exam ended.

We are alive.

Hard time passed and we are living life.

Today our result is going to come out. I don't know how i have done. I am more worried for Aria than myself or Rahi. She deserves a good result after all the hardship. I didn't know she has been through so much since her childhood. I always thought she was some average Good student with a 'Dream-Family'. But it turned out that she belongs from a broken family and she is one of the strongest persons i know. She deserves everything in this world because she has managed to stay pure even after all the things she has been through. And her mother is not as bad as it seemed to us at first. She is like an Iron-lady and who treats me like her son now.

She has accepted us as Aria's friends. And now is changing slowly to her real self. Which was once soft and sweet before the man changed her into the stone hearted woman.

Rahi deserves a good result too. Because she survived and change her life completely. She opened up for help and defeated her mental illness. She studied really hard throughout the last two months and sat for exam. She understood that she needed to do something for herself too.

And then comes the great Oronno aka myself. I don't know what i exactly did to deserve a good result other than trying to finish my whole 2 years syllabus in 2 months. Anyways i am having a deserving feeling. 

It is currently 12.30 in the noon and i was sitting in front of my computer. In one tab NCTB website is open and in another my Gmail. A important i am expecting, even though i know i should not because i am no good at anything and surely ain't going to win.

I typed my registration number and roll number in the empty boxes that were showing on the computer screen and pressed 'Enter'.


I hide my face with my hands and look at the screen through the little space between my fingers.

It is GPA 5.00.

"Oh, Good God. They must be mistaken. I mustn't  have got a, what they say Golden GPA-5," I think. I remove my hands from my face and look at the transcript," It is A+ in all but A- in B.G.S. That sh*t global studies," I fake cried," Ugrh, Oronno you didn't even expect this good. Thank God and go to mom and tell her then you gotta call Rahi and Aria too." I stand up from the chair and go to my mother who was in the kitchen baking cake that she has recently learnt to make for Rahi and Aria. I hug her from behind and say,"So, I didn't get golden."

"You were supposed to get the results right? What is golden?" Maa sarcastically asked. I pull out from the hug and say," So, it is that i didn't get A+ in all subjects. Missed in Sociology."

"And what about the Email that you were expecting?" She asks while putting her batter in the oven. She finally turns to me and says," You didn't get one?"

I shook my head. She says," It is okay. That's your first try after all. You will surely not stop trying ,will you?"

I give her a smile. I am not bothered about my results so much right now but about the fact that i haven't got an Email from Dreek Gallay Authority.

So, i participated in an competition where the participants submitted a series of photos on a specific theme and the winner gets to exhibit their photographs for 1 week. I was crazy excited about this. I didn't participate alone. Rahi and I participated as a group and Aria gave all the captions and helped us a lot. So if we win i will surely dedicate this victory to her and Rahi. We decided that if we win the money we will get, will donate that to the NGO that was currently had responsibility of the slum kids. A REAL LICENSED NGO. But i am not as confident as i was then. I don't think that's gonna happen.

And right then my phone vibrates.


I rushed to my computer and checked my email. Okay so we won. That's kinda unbelievable.

I called Rahi and Aria in a group chat.

"Hello," Rahi picks up the call," Ayyyee Ornnoooo. What's up? Yaaah. I got GPA-5." Happiness is evident in her voice.

"Ayee Rahi, i got GPA-5 too. Just not the Golden one. You know girls love golds so much. I don't do." I say.

"HEEEYYY. WHAT DID I MISS?" Aria joins the voice chat.

"Results?" Me and Rahi asked in unison.

"Got Golden 5," Aria says with a happy voice.

"See i said, girls like golds more than boys," i say and we all laugh together.

"Guys, so i have another news." I say trying to create suspense.

"What's it?" Aria asks.

"We won," I say and removed the phone receiver from my ear to save it from the girls screaming like crazy people.

"Omg Ornno. We won," Rahi exclaimed.

"Yeah," I say.

"Okay guys. Now hang up and get ready. Mom's making so many things for you girls and i can't remember if she ever has loved me so much as much she loves you two," I say.

"Ah, we are just loveable by nature," Aria says.

" Rahi your Fupi and Aria your mother is coming right?" I ask.

"Yes," the girls answer together.

"Okay ya all. Now hang up hang up and get ready," i hear my mom yelling happily from the other room.

"Okay guys. See ya in one hour. Don't be late." I hang up the call and run to my mom to hug her.

Life could not be better.


HELLO my beloved readers . So that's it. The story is completed. I feel like the ending is kinda dull and boring. But i had to end this story for good. I knew i was becoming more distracted day by day because of the mental health issues i have been suffering from. The fact that people are not willing to open up about mental health makes me more depressed. I didn't want to ruin the quality of the storyline so i am finishing it here.

I tried to give this story a positive ending because life is full of negativity. Stories and poetry are the source from which you learn to dream. I know nobody supports teenagers even though all they want it to do something for humanity. One day life will be easier I believe. One day people will be albe to help each instead of thinking what the society will say. I believe that day will come.

I started this story about Rahi but ended up writing about a lot of other characters. So maybe i am going to change the name of the story or maybe i will just keep it as it is.

I hope you all are healthy and taking care of yourself..I hope you understand that loving yourself is important. I hope everyone in this world will have a good life and one day we will not rest in peace but we will live in peace.

I dedicate this chapter to one of my most favourite person who is like my elder sister
StylistixStyles....she is awesome and doing a project called purple project. She has really influenced  my life. I am grateful to her.

I am grateful to all my readers who have been there with the story. I hope you all have a very great life.  💜



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