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"What did the doctor say?" asked six year old Areum.

The calm wind carried the delicate pink cherry blossoms, surrounding the two innocent children sitting in the shade of the wise tree.

The sun rested in the middle of the sky, taking a break from it's long journey across the blue empty sky.

Seven year old Shin Hoseok took a deep breath and looked into the worried eyes of his dear friend, "He said I wouldn't last much longer."

The poor boy was diagnosed with a disease that would soon lead to his death and Areum was more than aware of his condition. She didn't know how she would live without her best friend.

Sorrowful tears brimmed Areum's eyes, threatening to escape. The young girl burst into tears, jumping up and wrapping her arms around him.

"You can't die! You just can't! The doctor's a liar and a fool!" She yelled, face buried in Hoseok's shoulder.

"I know, he's a fool. Silly doctor! He didn't know one VERY important thing." Hoseok chuckled.

Areum looked up and sat down, "what is that?" She asked.

"I'm immortal! I can't die. I'll be here forever! Now I may not physically be here but I will live on right here." Hoseok poked her chest, right where Areum's heart would be, "And one day, just maybe, I'll come back."

"You promise?" Areum sniffed, wiping the remaining tears.

"Promise." Hoseok smiled, gesturing his pinky towards Areum.

Areum took his pinky with her's, locking the promise.

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