Truth Prevails

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It was four days until my parents
came back from vacation when Wonho came home drunk, and I found out the truth.

He was at a party with his friends and came stumbling through the door at four in the morning. I fell asleep on the couch after waiting for him passed midnight, and I woke up to his sad attempts at being quiet.

"Wonho." I groaned, my throat itchy from dehydration.

"Hey baby." Wonho smiled and came over to collapse on the couch.

He sat up and pulled me down with him. He started sloppily kissing my neck and I tried to pry him off but his fingers where attached to me like glue.

"Wonho. Wonho!" I had to scream his name to get him to stop.

My skin stung from his tight grip on my neck and arm, and my neck was covered in slobber. I sat back up and tried to look at his face in the darkness. He sat there emotionless, not looking at me or anything. Then he started crying, almost full on sobbing.

I wrapped him in my arms and he
cried into my chest. He wouldn't stop saying my name.

"Wonho?" I pulled back and grabbed his chin to look at me, "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I lied to you, Areum. I lied to you bad. I've ruined everything." His breath reeked of alcohol and the tears wouldn't stop streaming down his face, his lips wouldn't stop quivering.

"What are you talking about?" My fears of him hiding something from me was crumbling down like a heavy weight landing on my heart. I knew it.

"I've ruined everything." He mumbled into my chest.

"Hey, it's okay. Just lay down and sleep, alright?" I said, eyes filling with tears and voice shaking.

He fell asleep in an instant and I slept on the floor. I stayed up for another hour because I couldn't get my mind off what he said. I knew he was hiding something from me, but could it be so bad that he ruined everything? Would I not be able to forgive him?

Finally sleepiness got to the better of me. I woke up to Wonho groaning because of his hangover. He got up and rubbed his temples while walking to the kitchen. Five minutes later and he came back with coffee and pills. He turned on the TV and finally noticed me below him.

"Areum you slept on the floor?" He whispered.

"Yeah." I couldn't help but sound angry. I rested my back on the couch and fixated my attention to the TV.

"So about last night..."

"Stop." I didn't want to deal with that right now.

"Hey, Areum, whatever happened or whatever I did, I'm sorry." Wonho pulled back my hair and desperately tried to grab my attention.

I stood up, and I wouldn't be surprised if steam was actually coming out of my ears. I felt like a volcano moments before it was about to explode.

"Sorry? You're sorry? Maybe you wouldn't be sorry if you were honest with me."

What sucked, is I knew what he was going to say. The humiliation of believing his lies destroyed my pride.
One lie, and I could already feel our relationship crumbling apart.

"What did I tell you." Wonho looked terrified, like his banging headache didn't bother him, but the fact he may be forced to come clean right now seemed to bothered him more.

"You told me you lied. You told me you ruined everything."

"Fuck.... Areum. Just please don't hate me after I tell you."

I sat down on the table opposite of the couch he was sitting on. I couldn't do anything or say anything so I just gave him a look.

"I bullshitted the whole story I told you the day I came back. I didn't 'come back to life'. I took advantage of your trust because I knew you would believe anything that came out of my mouth. I knew that the truth would be too harsh.. My.... My grandfather..." Wonho noticed his voice getting shaky and breathed in deeply, avoiding my eyes, "He wanted to take me to a doctor that my parents refused to let me see. He took me away from my family. Paid off a bunch of doctors to fake my death. I went to the doctor in another country for two years and I was lucky enough to survive. But- He didn't let me go back Areum. Every time I asked he-"

He broke into a sob. He was shaking and clutching his own arms. I wrapped him into a hug and started crying too. We both cried our eyes out, everything else becoming washed out and unimportant.

Knowing someone I value so much has hurt so much and I could do nothing to fix it was almost unbearable. I'm mad, I want to seek revenge for him, I want to make the people who hurt him hurt. But why couldn't he tell me? Was he afraid I couldn't handle it or could he not trust me with his past? Maybe I was apart of the good times he had when he was a kid before it happened and he didn't want to taint that by telling me. I feel bad for him, but the way he broke my trust and lied about it until I found out.... Each other is something we both worked so hard for, and fear got the better of it. I could forgive him, I just don't know if I could trust him again.

I pulled back from Wonho and whispered in his ear, "You should go."

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