Be Honest

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((This is going to be in Areum's POV. I think I write better with first person point of view. If you don't like it, just tell me and I'll re-write it how
I normally do. I just want to give some life to the characters ;)))

Areum's POV

Have you ever had to carry fifteen bags filled with boy stuff for twenty minutes? Yeah, it takes a toll on your shoulders. As soon as we got home I dropped the bags on the ground and stumbled towards the couch. I laid on top of it like it was a pile of clouds. My arms have never felt so much tension nor so much relief.

Wonho came up behind me and smacked my butt.

"Ouch!" I yelped and held my butt where he had hit it, "Pervert."

I joked and used my foot to push him away. He gave me a half smirk and climbed over me to lay on top of my back. I was expecting to start gasping for air but surprisingly, he's super light.

"Why are you so light? Should I make a super big dinner?" I fiddled with his fingers that laid above my head.

"No it's okay." Wonho placed his head in between my shoulder blades and yawned.

"Wonho don't fall asleep. We need to put up the groceries and take showers." I wiggled my body so he would move around and not fall asleep.

Wonho moved his hands to my shoulders and gave me a little back rub.

"Fine, you can stay." I closed my eyes and rested my head on a pillow.

After doing the biggest arm workout of your life, back rubs are almost essential. Sure enough, we fell asleep, but I was woken up twenty minutes later by my phone making a racket on the coffee table. I slammed my hand on the table and checked the caller ID. When 'MOM' was displayed on the top of my screen, I felt like someone had just attached bricks to the bottom of my heart because I felt like my heart was touching my stomach. I pushed Wonho onto the floor and sat up.

"What the heck?" I freaked out and shook the half-awake Wonho in front of me, shoving my phone in his face. I held up my finger to my mouth and answered.

"Hey mom!"

"Hey honey! How are you? Are you doing okay by yourself?" My mom sounded really relaxed despite spewing multiple questions at me at once.

"I'm great mom. How are you? Are you and dad having fun?" I smiled and grabbed Wonho's hand instinctively.

"Of course! We just came back from swimming, actually. Listen, we'll be back in a week and a half, so be good
until then. And no boys over!!!!"

I accidentally flinched, scaring Wonho who was just playing with my thumb, "Yeah right mom. I would never."

"Okay then. I'll let you go. I love you!"

"Love you too. Bye."

I hung up.

"What'd she say?" Wonho still held onto my hand and looked at me expectantly.

"No boys over." I sighed and dropped my head down.

"Good thing I'm a man."

"Yes and you're my man." I grinned and pushed his hair back, "But, seriously Wonho... what are we going to do? I mean my parents are coming back in a week and a half. What are we going to do then? Are you going to tell your parents? I mean you kind of have to. I know you can't just be like 'I'm back from the dead' but..."

"I'll figure something out." He looked at me like he was guilty and his hair fell back over his eyes, "Why'd you believe me when I said that?"

"Said what?"

"I came back to life." He stood up and clenched his fist.

"Why wouldn't I? I know you would tell me the truth. And it doesn't matter if I believe it or not, I'm just glad you're here. You're my miracle and I'll settle for anything to have you." I stood up and hugged him.

He hugged me back tightly but I could only focus on the pile of groceries over his shoulder. We let go of each other and I convinced him to help me put up the groceries rather than going back to sleep. After that, we both successfully ate dinner, showered, and did our homework before ten. Record, if you ask me.

While Wonho was climbing into bed, I was pacing back in forth in the bathroom. I personally sleep with no pants on, and because of Wonho I'd been wearing pants to bed for the past couple of days. It's more uncomfortable than I thought it would be, so today I decided to go pant-less in front of him but it's more nerve wracking than I anticipated.

I mean I was wearing an oversized t-shirt that kind of covered it but still. I finally just opened the door and tried
to just causally get in bed but I ended up standing there like an idiot. He looked at me with the reddest cheeks I've ever seen I swear.

"Relax, I'm not sexually-advancing on you." I said to try to ease the tension and wiggled into bed, "Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable but I usually sleep like this so... I mean if you like sleeping with no shirt I have no objections."

The more I talked the easier it got. I guess I should have paid more attention to his reaction because his cheeks where still really red. Without thinking I kinda just put my hand on his cheek.

"I'm sorry. It's too much. I should've asked. I'll go put on some pants..." I lifted up the blankets to scoot out but Wonho grabbed my wrist.

He just looked at me and took off his shirt. Now it was my turn to blush... I laid back down and couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry I just laugh when I'm nervous sometimes." I said with a huge smile, trying to stop my giggles.

"Why are you nervous?"

"Because you're totally hot." I jokingly rolled my eyes.

"Hey at least you don't get totally speechless like me."

WoW I didn't know I could blush even harder. Is that why he didn't say anything? Because I made him nervous?

"Well I can cross making a cunning and witty guy speechless off my bucket list."

"Then that means I can cross making a beautiful and charming girl nervous off my bucket list."

"Stop my cheeks are going to turn permanently red."

"I wouldn't mind. It looks cute."

I lightly shoved him, "stop!"

"Fine! Fine. Let's go to bed."

We both got comfortable and tried to go to sleep. I mean, Wonho succeeded but me on the other hand? I was restless. Maybe because of that nap I took earlier, or maybe because of Wonho. You'd think four days in spending basically every second together and I'd be more comfortable around him, but I'm not. He still makes my heart race, he still makes me nervous, he still makes me smile like a dork, and he still confuses me. I don't know if this is normal because I've never been in a relationship. I know you usually don't spend this much time together, but I think we kind of are forced to because of his situation.

Wonho seems kind of off. I don't know
him too well as a person yet but, I feel like everyday he becomes more repressive of his true personality. Like on the first day I saw him, he was extremely cunning and confident.
Now he seems soft spoken and he's really kind to me, I just don't think he's being one-hundred percent honest with me. I wonder if he's hiding something?
I should trust him, shouldn't I? And if he's hiding something then he probably had a good reason for it. Maybe it's just a time thing and he just needs to get adjusted.

{Sorry I've been so so lazy at updating.
To be honest I'm not really content with the quality of this story so far. It seems kind of messy and I don't feel like it's very consistent. I'll try harder to make it better so bare with me!}

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