Why Are You Making It So Hard

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It was a melodious yet obnoxious tune that woke up Areum. She sat up from her bed, but felt Wonho's hand still clinging on to hers. She turned off the annoying alarm and shook Wonho's hand to wake him up.

"Wonho. Wake up. It's time to get ready for school." She sleepily groaned.

Wonho opened his eyes and looked around the dark room only to close them.

"Wonho, come on."



Areum desperately tugged at Wonho to wake him up, but he didn't budge. She wiggled her hand out of his and got up, walking to his side of the bed. She grabbed his arm and pulled him up. Wonho rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"I haven't slept that well in ten years." He slurred.

"Haha, I bet. Now wake up. We need to go to school early to get your uniform." Areum ran her hand through his hair and pulled him off the bed.

She walked to the kitchen, having Wonho stumble behind her. The kitchen was cold, and filled with white lights. Areum rubbed her arms and opened the pantry, searching for things to make breakfast out of.

"Does honey toast and fruit sound okay for breakfast?" Areum asked, finally coming up with something decent to make.

Wonho leaned against the counter then hopped up to sit on it, "Mhm."

Areum popped some bread into the toaster and pulled out two plates to organize the fruit on. She washed the fruit, watching Wonho's eyes slowly close then pop back open. She giggled, causing Wonho to wake up a little bit. Areum placed the fruit on the plate and got a cold wet rag.

"Here, wipe this on your face. It'll help you wake up." Areum dangled the rag in front of Wonho.

He took it and rubbed his face in the rag. Areum grabbed the toast before it was completely done, liking her toast to be only slightly toasted. She poured the honey on the toast and gave Wonho one of the plates.

They took their plates and ate in the living room. When they finished, they left their plates in the sink and started to get ready for school.

"Areum, what should I wear?" Wonho asked.

"I already thought of an outfit for you..." she admitted.

"Stay right there." She got up and ran into the closet quickly. She came back with a striped shirt and simple jeans.

"I'll go change into my uniform

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"I'll go change into my uniform. You can just change right here." She hurried up the stairs and slipped on her uniform, putting on deodorant and perfume as well, "Wonho, when you're done come up here and brush your teeth." She yelled loud enough for him to hear her.

Wonho came up the stairs and walked into the bathroom while Areum was doing her make up. He grabbed his tooth brush and quickly brushed his teeth. He moved next to Areum to use the mirror to do his hair.

"Can I use your hair brush?" Wonho picked up the brush and slightly waved it around.

"Sure go ahead."

Areum finished her make up and brushed her teeth as Wonho picked at his hair a few times and exited the room. Areum quickly brushed her hair out and parted it far to the side. She looked at the mirror once more to make sure everything was in order and left her room. Areum rushed down the stairs and left the house with Wonho.

"So today, we have tons of things to do after school." Areum said as they walked down the street.

"Like what?" Wonho kept his focus down the street and smoothly grabbed Areum's hand.

Areum blushed, but slightly turned her head away so Wonho couldn't see it, "Well, we need to buy you a bunch of things that normal people need, we need to go to the grocery store, also the uniforms aren't free. Ugh, also school supplies..."

"That's... That's a lot of things." Wonho sympathized with Areum, feeling the stress that began to build up, "Don't, worry babe. I'll get a job so I can pay you back for everything."

"'Babe'? Anyways, I'd feel weird taking money from you. I have money saved up so it won't be such a big deal." Areum said.

Wonho sighed, "Okay. I'm still getting a job though. That way you won't have to keep paying for my things."

"But then I'll see you less!" Areum blurted, "I mean..."

"Then, why don't you just get a job at the same place as me?" Wonho suggested.

"They say that working with your significant other can be a bad idea."

"Significant other?"

"I- well I just meant...." Areum immediately regretted using such a word.

"It's okay. It actually feels nice coming from you." Wonho tightened his grip and spared a playful glance at her.

"Why are you making it so hard?" Areum muttered.



With only a moment of awkward silence, they reached the school.

Areum cleared her throat and pulled her back pack strap to a more secure position on her shoulder, "So first, let's get your uniform. Then we can get your books. I think we have a math book, a science book, and a history book. You also need to get a book from the library for Korean language arts. Hmm, academic wise, I'm guessing you're behind? I'll just tutor you."

"You're talking a lot," Wonho said as they passed the tree that stood tall- several feet away from the school entrance, "but it's adorable to see you think so hard."

"How is it adorable?" Areum asked, slowing down the pace of her walk.

"Your eyebrows furrow and you wave your hand around. Not to mention you seem to be talking to yourself more than you talk to me. Anyways, academically, I'm not too far behind so don't worry... There was a school in purgatory and I'm a fast learner."

"... Oh. Wait, there was a school? Were there girls there? Did you date them?" Areum spat questions at Wonho in a protective tone.

"Yes there were girls. And would it matter if I dated them? I kept you in my mind, but then again I'm a guy." Wonho shrugged in a cocky attitude, like what he said in no way could bug Areum.

Areum stopped dead in her tracks and dropped Wonho's hand. She stared at him for a bit to see if he was joking. He wasn't.

"'You're a guy'? Oh, that's your lame excuse?"" Areum whipped while anger slowly consumed her, "I can't believe that you could say that after I told you about how I never dated anyone because of you. I held on this stupid idea that you'd come back for ten fucking years because I loved you and I was only a thought to you? Did they love you more than I loved you even when I never saw you?"

Dead silence.

"... A-Areum, I-" Wonho stuttered with his words in shock.

Seeing Areum this way really took Wonho by surprise. She was usually really understanding and always stayed relatively calm until things were figured out. He tried to rack up the right words to explain to Areum but she continued with her sharp words.

"You know what? Either figure this school stuff on your own or go home, I'm not helping you." Areum turned on her heel and stomped into the school, separating herself from Wonho.

Not Quite an Angel || Shin Hoseok/Wonhoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن