I Want To Be With You

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"Are we walking?" Wonho asked.

"Yeah it's not too far," Areum said as she started to lead the way, "By the way, we're going to have to stop by the school to register you into the system. Usually you tell the school first... I think it will work out though."

"Will I get a uniform like yours?" Wonho cutely wondered.

"Well, you'll get the guy version of it. Sorry to break it to you but they won't let you wear a skirt." Areum teased.

"You knew what I meant..." Wonho mumbled.

"It's a shame though, your butt looks cute in jeans." Areum laughed and tapped Wonho's bottom.

"Wow, didn't know you were like that little lady."

Areum laughed and looked at Wonho. How great is it that he is back! Looking at Wonho, she started to realize how handsome he really is... He's straight up sexy. No way are the girls at her school are not going to be all over him!!

"Apparently there's this really hot dude outside waiting for someone."

Hot? Where they talking about Wonho? There's so many pretty girls at my school! Who knows who'll whisk him away- she thought.

"Yah! Wonho!" Areum suddenly yelled.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Areum grabbed Wonho's hand and continued to walk forward, "When we get to school stay by my side no matter what. If a girl flirts with you or talks to you tell them you're not interested. If they get extra flirty come run to me. Don't fall for their tricks either. Just ignore every other girl. Also, don't ditch me for anybody, okay??"

"Areum, don't worry. I won't leave you. Or are you worried I'll steal all the girl's hearts and forget about you~?" Wonho laughed and slightly bumped Areum's side.

"Of course I am." Areum shamelessly admitted.

They arrived at the school grounds and Areum let go of Wonho's hand, only for Wonho to grab it back, "Show me the way to the office."

"Wonho people will see!" Areum whined.

"So? Don't you want the girls to know I'm taken?"

"Wait, 'taken'? And no, I'll be the talk of the school! And my friends will hear and interrogate the crap out of me."

"Your friends know about me anyways, right?" Wonho muttered and looked away.



"Weirdo. Whatever, just be quiet and follow me." Areum said and lead him to the office, hiding their hands from the students.

"Hello!" Areum called to the office staff.

"Oh, hello Areum! Who's this you got with you?" The receptionist, Ms.Kim, said.

"He's... a friend."

"Yeah, sure, because friends hold hands like that." Ms.Kim smiled.

"Ms.Kim!" Areum whisper-yelled and blushed.

"So, what can I do for you and your 'friend'?"

"I know I should've called or told you in advance but it was kind of a spur of the moment deal. This is Shin Hoseok and he would like to enroll in this school." Areum explained.

"Since this is unexpected, it may take a while for him to be fully enrolled. But, I'll get the form for you to fill out. Areum go ahead and go to class so you won't be late. Hoseok you can sit over there while you fill it out. You'll get your uniform and schedule tomorrow." Ms.Kim said and pointed to the chairs behind them.

"No. I want to join today and be with Areum." Wonho said without any guilt.

"Wonho! Sorry, Ms.Kim. He's, well, um..."

"No, it's okay. I understand. Anything you want Hoseok. Areum go ahead and help him fill this out." Ms.Kim handed a clip board with papers attached, "Does he have any... problems? Also you called him Wonho earlier?"

"No! He's mentally okay... he's just blunt I guess. Oh, and Wonho is just what he prefers to be called." Areum said thank you to Ms.Kim and went to fill out the forms.

Areum let out a big breath and grabbed the clip board from Wonho, "I can fill it out!" Wonho declared.

"Just let me do it." Areum ignored him and began to fill it out, "Name, Shin Hoseok. Gaurdians, Kang Areum. Emergency number, mine of course! Physical or Mental problems, blunt and dumb-"

"Yah! Are you really putting that!?" Wonho turned to Areum and looked at the paper.

"Of course not."

"You're mean."

"If I was mean I wouldn't have just finished your enrollment form while you were whining." Areum grinned and turned in the form.

"That was fast! Here's Wonho's temporary schedule." Ms.Kim exchanged the form for the schedule.

"Come on, Wonho. I'll take you to your first class." Areum said and gave his schedule to Wonho.

"What's this? I'll just go with you. Take me to your first class!" Wonho grabbed Areum's hand and dragged her to the door of the office.

"Sorry, Ms.Kim!" Areum yelled and took Wonho to her first class.

Areum stopped Wonho at the door of the classroom, "Wonho, you can't cause trouble, okay? Stay here and I'll tell the teacher."

Areum walked into the classroom with all eyes turned to her. She bowed in front of the class and walked up to the teacher to explain the situation.

The teacher nodded and told Areum to bring him in. Areum poked her head out the door and waved to Wonho. He followed Areum and stood in front of the whole class.

"Hello, I am Shin Hoseok, but call me Wonho. Please treat me well." He bowed and smiled.

Areum became anxious when the girls called him "hot" or "cute" and his heart catching smile didn't make anything better.

"Please take a seat, Hoseok." The teacher pointed to the empty table in the back.

Wonho went and sat there and Areum followed with out questioning. Her friends watched her in confusion as she sat with Wonho instead of them. The teacher didn't say anything else and just began teaching. Areum was a little cross by the fact he didn't bother explaining anything to Wonho.

"I didn't have anytime to get my text book from my locker... Just try to pay attention and I'll explain everything to you after." Areum whispered to Wonho.

Wonho smiled and grabbed her hand, putting it on the table as if to show it off, "Okay."

"Wonho!" She harshly mumbled.

"Shh, I'm trying to pay attention." He looked at her and gave a mischievous smirk.

Areum cleared her throat and blushed, nervously glancing around the classroom, to see if anyone was paying attention to them. And sure enough, there was, and unluckily it was Areum's friends.

"Areum, what the heck?" Hyorin mouthed.

Areum shrugged her shoulders, "Sorry."

They both turned back to the teacher and focused on the lesson.

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