It's the Fact That I Cherish You So

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"Now can you tell me?"


Areum and Wonho  sat on the plump, coffee colored couch, mindlessly watching television. Areum wrapped herself in her polyester blanket and stared at the screen with a solemn face. Ever since Areum suddenly left the table at lunch, she's been in an agitated mood. This was the first time Wonho saw Areum in a bad mood, so he wasn't sure how to deal with it. He was someone who didn't let his emotions control how he acts, but Areum was quite the opposite.

"You know, the thing from lunch..."

"About me not letting guys kiss me?


Areum turned to face Wonho, as if she was about spill all of her thoughts that could fill an essay, "I don't have a thing about kissing. I just... They say that because I'd never let guys kiss me. Or date me at that."


"Well, because of you. I could never bring myself to get in a relationship because I would always think of you. It seems silly and immature but, for some odd reason, you've stuck at the back of my head all these years." Areum shyly focused on her fingers, waiting for his response.

"Why don't you let me kiss you then?" Wonho bluntly spoke.

"Huh? Oh... Let's talk about that later. First, I'll make dinner. You must be hungry, right?" Areum got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

Wonho watched her carefully, afraid he might've upset her more. He'd do something to make it up, of course.

"We don't have much... Is noodles okay? We can go to the store tomorrow and I'll make a better dinner. I can make our lunches too." Areum raised her voice so Wonho could hear her from the kitchen.

Wonho stood up and came into the kitchen. He shuffled over to Areum where she started to boil the water. Wonho wrapped his arms around her waist, taking Areum by surprise.

"Wonho..." Areum sighed.

"I'm sorry." He rested his chin on her shoulder.


"Everything. For not being here for you. For being gone for so long. For not being the man I want to be for you." He pressed his nose against her hair and whispered softly into her ear. Areum turned around and hugged him back.

"Wonho, I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm just glad you're back." She mumbled into Wonho's chest.

"I'd love to hold you like this longer, but the water is boiling." He chuckled.

Areum let go and turned around, messing with the ramen packets. Wonho, however, stayed holding onto her waist and his chin on her shoulder.

"Okay, it's done." Areum said.

Wonho let go of her and stepped back. Areum grabbed the bowls and put them on the living room table.

"Grab the kimchi in the fridge, Wonho." Areum commanded and he happily obeyed.

He grabbed the kimchi and joined Areum at the table.

"Oh shoot, I forgot the drinks. One second." Areum was about to get up before Wonho grabbed her arm to stop her.

"I'll get it. What do you want?"

"Water will be fine."

Wonho went into the kitchen and quickly came back with two waters. He set them on the table and they began to eat. They were too focused on each other's company that the television became background noise.

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