She's Mine

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The bell for lunch rang and the students were dismissed from Science. Areum's peers packed their bags and gathered with their friends, excited for their favorite part of the day. Unlike them, Areum sat still because she didn't even hear the bell. She was still worrying about her friends. She tried to let it go until it was time to deal with it, but she had every single class with them, making that almost impossible.

"Babe, what's wrong? It's time for lunch..." Wonho grabbed Areum's hands, peering at her dazed out face.

"Oh? Class is over? Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind. Let's go."

Wonho grabbed Areum's things for her, which she thanked him for, and they headed to the Cafeteria. When they got to the entrance, everyone was pretty much seated. She spotted where she usually sat with Bora, Nari, and Hyorin and saw them having an intense conversation, which was most likely about her. Areum knew it wouldn't be a good idea to sit with them today. She grabbed her stuff from Wonho and held his hand.

"You know what, Wonho? We shouldn't eat there today. Let's go to the roof and eat there." Areum sounded a bit uncomfortable and sorrowful, but she smiled at Wonho to try and erase any suspicions of her being sad.

Wonho nodded and smiled back as Areum showed him the way to the roof. They climbed up a set of stairs where it got dark. She opened a door and sunlight spilled over the staircase. They walked out, feeling a light breeze that set Areum's worries to a temporary rest.

"It feels great out here!" Areum yelled, stretching in the wonderful weather.

Wonho watched her silently, trying to figure out if she was upset or not. Although he really was concerned, he couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. And she was his. His. He liked that a lot. But he could tell that underneath her breath-taking smile she was hurt.

Areum came up to the wall and sat up against it, signaling for him to sit next to her. He obeyed and waited for her to say whatever she wanted to.

"We don't have a lunch, do we? Ugh, I'm so scramble-brained. I'm not that hungry though, are you, Wonho?"

"No, I'm fine... But Areum, are you okay? You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

Areum took a deep breath and released it in a sigh, "Well, actually, I'm not okay."

"Want to talk about it?...Here, lay down." Wonho patted his thigh and Areum graciously accepted.

"I'm pretty sure Hyorin is really mad at me, and that's makes Nari and Bora upset. Well, They may actually be mad at me too. I'm not sure what I did exactly, since it could be something out of a million things, but I really love them and they're like family so I don't want to disappoint them."

Wonho stroked her hair in a loving matter. He made sure to listen well so he could hopefully help her out because he hated to see her stressed.

"Well, they've been your friends for a long time, right? So I'm sure this isn't the first time something like this has happened. From what I've seen they seem like nice and understanding people who really care about you. So I say don't fret, because you will talk it out and everything will be alright again."

"Yeah... You're right. I feel better now. Thanks Wonho." Areum smiled and sat back up, "You know, Wonho, I think I really love you."

Wonho's eyes popped open by her shock bringing words. She loved him. Yes, he always knew this, but hearing it was a different deal.

"I think I could cheat a bit. I know I said I wanted to wait, but a small kiss wouldn't hurt, would it?" Areum swooned with temptation as she stared at Wonho's lips.

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