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"Uh, Areum, are you okay?" Asked Nari, noticing her ragged breath and her tight grip on her pencil.

"I'm... Fine." Areum fought the feeling to cry and simultaneously wanting to punch a whole in the wall.

"Are you sure? Not only did you come to school early but you look like you're about to explode. Also, where's Wonho? Wait, omg, did you guys fight?" Nari touched Areum's arm, trying to comfort her and get her to spill the details.

"Fight? Ha, no we broke up. I never want to see that bastard again!" She hissed

"... You don't mean that. I've known you forever, Areum. You love him and if you broke up with him we'd be at your house and I'd be comforting you while you cry and eat ice cream. You can tell me what happened and for no reason whatsoever will I ever doubt you."

"N-Nari..." Areum's voice cracked as tears welled up from her kind words. She cleared her throat a took a moment to calm down, "I-I just expected something out of Wonho and he let me down. I guess it was selfish of me to think that of him in the first place."

"Tell me more about it later- the teacher is about to start talking." Nari whispered and pointed the teacher who just walked into the room

Areum turned to sit straight in her seat and rested her head on her wrist. The teacher told the students to open their books and started his lesson. Areum didn't even have her book on the desk and just dazed out.

All she could think about was Wonho. Thinking of Wonho with another woman... The thought made her tears remerge. How could she stay so loyal to someone that seemed so impossible despite the nagging loneliness she almost constantly felt, and Wonho could just freely date someone as if it didn't matter. Did she... Did she love him more than he loves her? Was she being selfish to expect that from Wonho? All of it made her feel confused and over whelmed.

"What's another way we can write this equation? Areum?" The teacher called for Areum's attention and was cross when he noticed she wasn't paying attention He softened his tone when he noticed she was crying, "Areum, what's the matter?"

Areum's eyes slowly dragged to look at the teacher, "I'm sorry, teacher, I have to leave."

The whole classroom watched Areum pack up her things and walk out the room. She just had to get back home. She had to talk to Wonho. She rushed through the hallway and out of the school. When she walked out the door she noticed Wonho on the bench with his head buried in his hands and his elbows on his knees. Areum wiped her tears and sniffled. She tried to get rid of the evidence that she'd been crying, but the tears kept flowing.

She shuffled next to Wonho and dropped her bag to the ground, sitting next to him. He slowly lifted his head and looked at Areum.

"Areum." He whispered.

"Wonho, I- I'm sorry for leaving you like that. Can we just talk this out?" Areum smiled kindly.

Wonho turned towards Areum and wrapped his arms tightly around her neck. Areum hugged him back and buried her head into his neck. She heard him sniffle and guilt instantly filled her heart.

"I've made you cry, haven't I?" Areum tried to pull back to look at Wonho, but he kept his tight grip on her.

He didn't want her to seem him like that. Not ever. He made his mind up to the man that he wants to be for Areum, and that includes being strong in front of her. He wiped away the tear that threatened to fall and looked at Areum.

"Please, forgive me, Areum. I should've explained this before and I guess I'm not great with my words. No, I did not date any girls. I wanted to be straight up with you and tell you I have thought of dating a girl, but I loved you and still do. I'll never think of anyone but you, and even if you decide that you're sick of me I'll still stick to your side like a dog." Wonho looked at Areum's eyes, hoping she'd believe him.

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