When I'm With You, I'm the Most Comfortable

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"So, basically you're an angel?" Areum thought hard, taking her time to work out everything Wonho just told her.

She was glad that her curiosity had been satisfied, but still very confused. Him showing up felt kind of, almost exactly, how it felt when he died. It's the feeling of being numb, and you can't believe what's happened. You keep thinking that it couldn't be real but you know it is, even if it feels impossible. The one difference is, dying is a lot less insane then being resurrected.

"Hahaha, no not even close. I spent my time in Purgatory." Wonho laughed with slight relief.

She's buying this? Wonho couldn't believe how understanding she was being. I mean, she was always understanding and someone you could confide in. Was it the shock she was experiencing that made her so loyalty trusting she was to him? 

"So, like, how did you get out of 'Pugatory'?" Areum took a sip of water and patiently waited for Wonho to answer.

"Um, well, how do I explain this? So since I 'died' when I was young and left you alone, that's what they consider 'unfinished business', and when someone dies earlier than they should've, they go to purgatory. In purgatory you have to wait a decade or so to get out. I think that's the best way I can explain it." Wonho looked at Areum as she processed everything.

"You're welcome." Areum said out of no-where.

"Huh? For what?"

"If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be here. I was your unfinished business so you're welcome for your existence." Areum crossed her arms and smiled.

"Wow, unbelievable." Wonho playfully rolled his eyes.

"I'm really glad you're back and everything, but what are you going to do? Are you going to tell your parents or you know human stuff. Wait- are you even human?" Areum trailed off while basically planning Wonho's life with a million questions still left to ask.

"No, I'm a vampire and I'm going to suck your blood." Wonho stood up and walked closer to Areum, pretending like he was going to suck her blood.

"Yah! Very funny!" Areum pouted as Wonho jumped at her and began to tickle her, "Wahaha! Wonho! Stop!"

Wonho suddenly stopped with his hands on her waist, "I like it when you say my name."

"Y-yah... What the heck." She mumbled, "Now I know for a fact you're not an angel."

"Want me to show you my demonic side?" Wonho said with a perverted look.

"Shut up, Wonho. I'm only 17..."

Areum's commented made Wonho burst into laughter "You're so adorable! Do you really think I would-"

"Get out of my house you demon!" Areum mumbled, only half joking.

"Okay, bye then." Wonho turned around and headed to the door.

"Yah! Where do you think you're going??" Areum ran to Wonho and desperately grabbed onto his arm.

"You told me to leave. Plus I got to find a place to sleep."

"I was joking. Spend the night here."

"Okay." Wonho walked to the couch and laid down, closing his eyes.

"You cheeky little..!" Areum huffed and walked over to him, "Are you going to sleep now? Want a pillow or blanket?"

Wonho just laid on his back and looked at Areum. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to lay on top of him.

"You. All I need is you."

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