Chapter 3

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Here is another update :) Thanks for reading. Enjoy.

Hecate knew she was on the verge of death as she limped and hobbled through the town and back down the street that lead to her home.

There was a stabbing ache in her stomach, and she was sure she would die from hypothermia if she didn't make it home in time. By that time, it was very dark out. Only the street lights provided a way for her to see ahead as she trudged through the snow.

Hecate was pleasantly surprised that her strange attacker hadn't come after her again. She had been almost certain that a stab wound to the side would deter him only temporarily, as he was very persistent.

Not that she was complaining though. She was glad he had stayed down. She only wished he had killed him when she had the chance. The weakness of her body made her unable to do any of her higher level spells, but she should've continued stabbing him when he was down.

What was she thinking? Now he's alive and about. He might even try to attack her again. She was angry and curious, but more curious than angry.

She wasn't afraid. No, she was just... a bit unsettled. It was true that she was still a novice witch, and someone of Thorn's skill and expertise would've easily killed him if given time to chant the right spell. But she wasn't there yet. She was better than all the witches her age, but she was far from being at the level of a witch like Elder Catherine.

Elder Catherine! Hecate's eyes widened as she remembered.

"She's coming over today. No, she probably came over a long time ago then when I wasn't there gave me a 0 for my assessment. Just what I needed- for her to hate me more."

Hecate sighed a deep sigh and despite her aching muscles and stomach quickened her pace.

As she drew closer to the porch of her home, everything began to spin. She was seeing black spots and her head felt woozy and light.

Not even two seconds after ascending the steps she fell forward, limp and unconscious, her forehead making a single loud bang on the door.

It was warm now.

As Hecate regained her conciousness, she could hear the crackling of a fire and the sound of water being wrung out of a rag into a container of water.

She stirred a bit, eyes still closed but was then reminded of her wound by a stabbing sensation she felt when a warm rag was placed on it.

"I think she's coming to." Hecate recognized the voice as Thorn's and soon her eyes fluttered open.

She inhaled sharply as she was greeted by an unfriendly face. Grey bitter eyes stared into hers, and a wrinkly face with a pointed nose and a displeased frown loomed over her.

"E-Elder Catherine," she croaked, then realizing that her throat was very dry.

"Hecate." was all the grey haired woman said in response. To Hecate, that one word held an entire paragraph.

"Hecate!" came a friendlier, more concerned voice, "How did this happen?! Where have you been all this time? Who did this to you? Do you know how worried I was?!"

Thorn was concerned and angry.

"I'm sorry," was all Hecate responded with, boycotting answering any of Thorn's questions.

"Hecate Blackwood, you irresponsible little imbecile of a witch. I demand an explanation for this insolence!" Elder Catherine sneered down at her and Hecate glared coolly back.

"I went out to do an errand for Thorn and I was attacked."

Elder Catherine's eyes grew colder. "You were attacked you say? And you couldn't defend yourself? And it was probably by a mere commoner too."

The Magic Of Insanity (A Jeff The Killer Romance) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now