Chapter 11

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Cheers to another update! I hope you guys enjoy :)

"Hecate, how could you?" Thorn questioned the teenager, in disbelief and shock. She was pacing around the room now, chastising a now silent Hecate, who stood clutching the journal tightly while her guardian went off on several rants.

"You knew, Hecate. You knew. Because I frigging told you. I read it to you! Do you know what the consequences are?" She asked loudly, waiting for a response from the girl, but when none came she continued.

"Yes! Yes you do! It's off with both of our heads of they find out you let him go! I can't believe this..." She said in distraught, burying her forehead into her hand.

Hecate stood silently as she usually did when Thorn scolded her. It had been quite a long time since she had seen her worked up like this, and whenever she was it wasn't good.

Hecate had let him go. To be more precise, he went through the small hut window and took off into the night. It had been easy for him, really, because all she could've thought about at that moment was the journal that she so desperately wanted to open.

Thorn began pacing again and eventually swiped the letter off the table and began to read a section of it to Hecate as part of her intense chastisement. "Failure to apprehend the enemy will result in immediate death."

Hecate sniffled slightly before finally opening her mouth to say something. "They won't find out, Thorn. We just have to do a cleansing and get rid of all traces that he was here."

Thorn looked at her through angry eyes. "It's not that simple. Those witches, especially the old hag, have a way of knowing things, Hecate. No matter how hard you try to cover up something, they will always find out. But the cleansing will buy us some time."

Hecate looked at her nervously. "Some time until what?"

Thorn leaned against the counter and examined her cautiously, as if trying to foresee her reaction. "Some time until we can get out this state." She looked away.

Hecate stood still, trying to decide how she felt about Thorn's words. Eventually, she finally spoke. "Do we really have to move from here? Where will we go? How will you afford a new house?"

"I will be fine, Hecate. I have a sister in Pennsylvania and I can stay with her until I get on my feet. You, however, are going to live in a coven house. You can consider that your punishment for putting both our lives in danger."

Hecate's pupils dilated dangerously and she inhaled sharply. Living with a coven had been one of her worst nightmares. Not only would she be constantly exiled and discriminated against because of her origins, but she had to be the most antisocial teenager in existence and spending time sharing a room and a house and just about all her surroundings with other witches sounded atrocious.

"You can't do that-" she began, but Thorn cut her off.

"Yes I can Hecate! It's about time I let go off you. Everyone was right. I have been babying you. It's time for you to finally break out of that shell of yours and go interact with other witches. It will be a better learning environment for you."

Hecate tried to calm down, but her usual state of being had disappeared and was replaced by frantic panic. "No! I can't go there. You already know why! I get it, ok? What I did was wrong, but you're going overboard with this and you know it!"

Hecate rarely yelled so whenever she did, it affected Thorn a great deal. It was no secret that the years of raising a small human child as her own daughter had softened her dramatically. Many witches could agree that before Hecate had come into the picture, Thorn was one of the most cruel and vicious witches to walk the earth. They all thought she would've killed the young child within a month, but instead they found that her attitude began to change a great deal and when the time came, no one could persuade her to send Hecate away.

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