Chapter 6

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Dang. It's been awhile XD. Any way here it is, the long awaited (pshh) update.

The gathering of women sat together on the blood red sofas in a large, dimly lit living room and the sounds of clattering spoons, clinging tea cups and gossip reverberated throughout the large living room of the mansion.

About 20 women were seated in the room, ranging from ages 15 all the way to 65, even 75 years old. They were all enjoying the lively banter and lovely desserts that had become a norm in their coven's mansion. The excited giggles of teenaged girls whispering about boys and sex, along with the nostalgic stories recounted by the old women proved that even these witches were not as different from regular members of society.

No, they didn't fly on brooms. They didn't have long ugly noses and haggard appearances. They were pretty normal people.

Among the gathering of these witches was a certain tall, grey haired woman with a crooked nose and an ever present frown lingering on her thin, now wrinkling lips. She was addressing one of the human servants, commanding her rather harshly to go fetch some more tea for everyone. After the frightened, beaten and worn down girl had departed to fulfill her request, the woman turned to other members of her team, the high council, to brief them quickly about the current issue.

"But do not press me for details now," she said, casting her hard grey eyes towards the empty center of the room. "I shall inform everyone here of the current issue."

The old woman walked steadily towards the empty center of the room, where all the sofas and furniture had been placed along the walls to create this empty space that demanded attention for those who stood in it.

The sounds of chatter and giggles died down and the steady clicking of the woman's heels on the tiles became more audible until it was the only sound that could be heard among the now silent crowd.

"Hear me witches of the Crow Coven!" Those words brought any lingering attention towards her, and everyone sat up in their chairs and responded in the usual respectful, yet platonic, way. "Yes Elder Catherine. We shall hear you speak."

"I'm sure that by now many of you know about the certain problem we've been having for the last 2 years." She paused, and took in the knowing glances the witches flashed at each other with frowns on their faces.

"I know that most, if not all of you, know. But I'm going to say it for those who might not. Ever since November 23rd of two years ago, a certain human has been causing trouble for various covens across the state. He started with the Whiteriver coven, a small group of white witches training the next generation of their kind. He stole many valuable potions which took years to craft- the potion of vitality, one which has the power to make all your wounds heal quickly. The potion of strength- which gives you strength and stamina above the amount that an average human can have. Also, the potion of speed- this one in particular took many years to perfect. It has power to give one inhuman speed and the power to move faster than the human mind can comprehend."

"Just three?" A curious teenaged witch questioned, but quickly looked down when the Elder witch's eyes met hers.

"No child. Not just three. He took many things from them. And because of their weakness and their refusal to use any sort of black magic, he even managed to kill a few."

Sounds of excited chatter and concerned voices erupted, and it took the loud stomp of her foot to silence them.

"Silence! Now, with the power he obtained, he managed to infiltrate the Hellclaw coven, which as you know, is one of the strongest covens in the entire country. He managed only to steal one potion before he barely escaped with his life. And that gave him the power of insight. This particular potion is what made him even more dangerous. It gave him the insight to be able to understand and visualize how to get out certain spells, but only the lower level ones."

She paused for a breath.

"And as you know, the high council and all the covens of the state are trying their best to apprehend this pesky little boy who goes by the name of Jeff. He has quite the reputation for himself, and he's a cold hearted serial killer. I was almost sure I felt his presence near me before, but I wasn't certain. My sense of judgment was blocked by... other emotions." She thought back to her anger at Hecate during her exam, where at some point during she had felt the familiar presence.

"Anyway, if any of you happen to see this 'Jeff the Killer', I want you to try to bind him and apprehend him. Failure to do so, whether young or old, will result in your immediate deaths. But by all means, do not kill him. I want to watch him slowly suffer and wiggle around in pain like the filthy little worm he is, while I suck every ounce of magic he stole from us right out of his bones.

A sinister smile grew on her face.


Well there you have it folks xD. It's a short chapter but it's for a reason.

Don't forget to tell me what you think <3. Love you all.

The Magic Of Insanity (A Jeff The Killer Romance) [Discontinued]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora