Chapter 7

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It was the almost the dead of night. The small town was abandoned now, and everyone had retreated to their respective homes. The streets were empty and the buildings abandoned, their only company being the chirping crickets and owls in the surrounding trees.

In the shade of a tall building on the outskirts of the town, a boy with singed black hair and burnt eyelids sat, staring at the dirt intently. He was covered in blood from head to toe. The crimson red liquid leaked slowly from his drenched hair, and his face and hands were covered in the now dry, sticky mess.

He had been out for the past week in the neighboring town, a great distance from this one. It had taken him almost half the week to get there on foot, despite his inhuman speed and he spent as much time getting in as many kills as possible before he came back here.

Why did he come back here?

Well, for one thing, it was only a matter of time before the law enforcement in that town caught up with him. And more importantly... he had a few pressing matters to deal with here.

He turned his attention to his chest, now completely healed. That was what had been bothering him. The wound had healed within the first few days. For an injury of this magnitude, it would not have healed nearly as fast for a regular person. In fact, it would've probably killed them. His wound healed fast.

But not fast enough, he had thought grimly.

Those potions he had stolen usually managed to make big wounds heal in a matter of minutes, not days. It was a drastic change, and he knew that that meant that the potion's effects weren't going to last forever.

He would have to get more.

But where from?

He certainly couldn't go back to the coven of white witches he had gone to before. Their mansion was now overrun with an overwhelming amount of magic that not even he could work his way through with the weak insight he had gained. And he most certainly couldn't go to that other coven of witches, where he had barely escaped with his life. And that other coven. That was certainly out of the question.


He would certainly die if he went there. After all, he knew better. He knew that there was a certain witch there who rain down unholy and seemingly eternal destruction on him.

He was running low on options.

Truth be told, Jeff didn't rely completely on potions to survive. For 4 years, after his decent into pain and insanity, he had been fending for himself. At first, the only thing he lived for was to keep himself alive. That was his basic instinct then, since all others had been lost when he finally snapped.

But that was only at first...

Eventually, he was taken over by another feeling. One that completely consumed him and devoured even more of the little humanity he had left.

That was his killer instinct.

Killer instinct.

It could not be defined merely as a desire. Desire would be way too much of an unfit word. It was more... a state of being.

A state of thinking.

A state of doing.

He didn't just want to kill, no.

He needed to kill.

His lust for blood was an ever present thing. It was all he thrived on now.

This serial killer wasn't your typical member-of-society gone bad.


Throughout his wanderings, not in search of fame, money, or power, but only a kill, he had discovered many things. He had learnt that there was more than what meets the eye. He'd encountered many creatures lurking on the face of the earth and many supernatural beings that he thought could only exist in your worst nightmares. He even met one in particular that had lived for centuries. Wise and almost all knowing in his ways, but evil and sadistic in being.

He wasn't friends with any of these creatures or people he had met throughout his wanderings.


Far from it actually.

But they all shared a mutual understanding. And those creatures all knew Jeff, and respected him enough to not try to kill him whenever they saw him around.

But the difference between most of them and himself was that he was human. He wasn't immortal like wise, yet sadistic, Slenderman or all powerful like 'The Evil One'.

He was just a human.

And the only reason that bothered him was because it limited how many people he could kill compared to them.

There was no other reason.


Jeff sat absorbed in his thoughts for another hour, twiddling his knife in his hand and with the usual scowl on his lips contrasting the huge smile on his face.

Where would he find more potions, he wondered.

Infiltrating the Ravenwood Coven would be a long shot. Now all the covens were on guard and ready to take him in. He knew it wasn't long before they'd start a full on pursuit.

What was he to do?

And then it hit him.

The vivid picture of the girl with icy grey eyes and raven black hair flashed into his head.

That's right, he thought.

That witch.

The one he hadn't killed yet.

Maybe I don't have to infiltrate a coven, he mused. Perhaps I can just sneak into the home of a certain friend of mine.

He grinned in his usual, insane way at the thought of getting his hands on some form of sustenance.

"To hell with the consequences!" He yelled then jumped to his feet as he erupted into an insane, disturbing fit of hysterical laughter.

He decided that he had given that bitch enough of break. He wouldn't try kill her.

Not yet at least.

He couldn't risk getting caught.

Even he knew his own limitations.

After all, he WAS the one mooching off the powers of the beings he despised the most. How could he not despise them? They were the embodiment of the most natural form of power a mortal could ever hope to have.

He wasn't stupid.

He knew he wasn't invincible.

But he was sure as hell working on it.

Thanks for reading! Sorry if it's a bit short but these chapters written in Italic are meant to be short. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think in the comments below. :)

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