Chapter 13

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Here's another update. I hope you enjoy :)

Hecate woke up feeling like a complete wreck.

Two hours of sleep was all she had gotten out of the long, cold winter night and she climbed out of bed feeling as if she had been hit by a bus several times.

It was 5 am- her usual time for rising, and she struggled to get through her usual morning routine without nodding forward every 5 seconds.

And you'd think there'd be a spell for this, she thought bitterly as she pulled on her backpack and headed out at exactly 6 am.

She hadn't left the journal behind but, instead, she tucked it neatly into the secret pocket of her backpack so that it would be safe and undetectable. She had also carried along an item that she rarely used, fearful that she would become too dependent on it.

It was her wand. It was made of a polished, trimmed fig tree branch and soaked in several animals' blood for 2 weeks. She had received it for her 14th birthday but rarely ever used it. It wasn't necessary but it made directing spells easier and more efficient and many of the older witches claimed it was better than simply using one's hands.

Hecate had decided that today was as good a day as any to carry the thing. She had to protect the journal at all costs from that Jeff The Killer boy. She knew he had witnessed the moment when the seal was broken, thus, he would no doubt be after her soon again. Except unlike the other times, she wouldn't be able to fool around.
She would have to capture him and turn him in for real this time to be executed.

He could've just purchased the potions underground like everyone else but I guess that's not his style, she thought. Stealing from witches was now going to cost him his life.

Hecate rounded the bend and continued towards school with an hour and 15 minutes to spare. She would use that time to continue reading the journal and find out what revelations it would yield. Just as soon as she thought this, she heard faint crunching footsteps in the snow behind her.

She turned around sharply and her eyes met the wide, emerald green ones of Molly. Hecate's pupils narrowed into slits and Molly stared at her, almost begrudgingly. Molly turned her head away quickly, scornfully.

That bitch, she thought with contempt as she picked up her pace in an effort to put a great distance between them.

She was almost there now. 15 more minutes separated her from getting away from the red headed girl who had unsurprisingly turned against her.

Just a little while longer.

Hecate huffed slightly from the fast pace at which she was walking and she reluctantly slowed down to give herself a break, sensing that Molly was now a fair distance behind.

"Maybe moving from this place won't be such a bad thing after-" her sentence was cut off by a sharp pain in her head.

A third presence.

A third presence had swiftly entered the perimeter, and it had done so so suddenly that Hecate had felt a sharp pain shoot down her skull.

"Shit!" she cursed, turning around to see that the red haired girl was coming around the bend. Hecate squinted and scanned the trees all around them.

No regular person could've entered so swiftly without her sensing it gradually. Which meant...

It had to be him.

Hecate had come to a complete stop and her senses were driven over the edge. This wouldn't be like the other times in more than one sense.

Now, that stupid girl was here. And he surely wouldn't let her go alive. She would only get in the way!

The Magic Of Insanity (A Jeff The Killer Romance) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now