10) This Is Wrong!

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A.N. Yo!

Chica's POV

It was nearing 2AM. I really didn't want them to do this. It was wrong. There is no reason they should fight. It was just a little misunderstanding. Actually... It can't have been little if their going to fight about this. I bet if Bonnie was here, she could probably stop Freddy from doing this, but... The problem is she isn't here.
I regret killing the Night Guards now. Because it made me loose a friend, and two people that I love fighting, I really didn't want this. Maybe if I could tell Bonnie about th-WAIT!!! Maybe I can! She may not respond, but she could hear us. I've got to tell her, or else something bad might happen!

Freddy's POV

It's now 2AM. I really want to beat that sad excuse of a fox to scrap metal. I then heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Goldie.
"Oh, it's just you," I said to Goldie, a little startled.
"Oh, sorry bro. I just, came to say that.. I don't, want you to, do this," Goldie said hesitantly.
"Heh, why? Don't you want me to get revenge from what he did to me!?" I shouted at Goldie,
"But, that's the problem, what did he do?" Goldie asked.
"He shouted at me!" I replied.
"But you were shouting at his girlfriend! It's pretty predictable, when you shout at someone's girlfriend, or maybe anyone they love, they will stand up for them. Wouldn't you do the same for Bonnie?" Goldie asked.
He's right... But...
"Bonnie isn't here," I replied.
"Well, maybe if you talked to her, then maybe she would be here," Goldie said, fed up.
"Yes! But I don't know if you've noticed right now, she doesn't want to talk to me,"I said, also fed up.
Goldie does have a point, but I think I'm right as well. I don't think Bonnie wants to talk to me after what I told her, she'll never, forgive any of us.

"I know, but there are some people who forgive other people. The past is in the past." Goldie said, ready to teleport away.
"Oh and also," he said catching my attention. I looked up.
"Have you ever heard of a second chance?" Goldie said, before teleporting away.
I thought about what he said, but then I thought,"But what if Bonnie isn't one if those people?"
I felt like I was going to cry, or... Oil, from my eyes.
I got ready for the fight, I bet Foxy's out there wondering where I am.
I walked out and got ready to fight.

(A.N. Well, hi... OK!! Let me explain. So... UnderTale... Is starting to slowly take over my life. I can't help it, I've watched all of the crack videos (if you don't know what they are, get something you like, then write down crack, like example, write 'undertale crack' on YouTube and all these funny videos will come up), I have seen at least 5 people play it and I have been reading fanfictions where I have been having sex with a skeleton (Sans, not Papyrus. Papyrus is too innocent, but I do have some Papyrus x readers tho). And the last thing is anime and cartoons. I have been watching new animes, still watching FullMetal Alchemist and have started watching The Future Diary/Mirai Nikki and I have been watching Adventure Time, Gravity Falls and a great one from my childhood Phineas and Ferb. But yeah... I have noticed as well that I have kinda gone off FNAF a little bit, but I really wanna finish this for you guys, but I don't know when it's gonna finish, but I will finish it for you guys tho, and also lol, you got trolled. In the last chapter I said I was gonna write a fight scene, well nope, next chapter. Well bye!)

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