Chapter 9: feathers

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Episode: Mr. Pigeon

After a while of standing and talking with just Adrien and Nino you took Adrien's hand again. He didn't seemed to mind so you just listened to the two of them talk and said something from time to time. However your peace was disturbed by another blonde. She just stepped between you and Adrien quite rudely. "Adri-honey! Don't you want to hang out with me not these losers?!" she sneered while pushing you aside. "Chloe would you please bother someone else?" A very annoyed Alya asked. Behind you Alya and Marinette were standing and they did not look happy, "And don't you dare push (y/n) around like that again." Alya added on. Chloe left after that, growling and mumbling something about her daddy. You quickly moved closer to Adrien again. "So what are you all talking about?", a cheerful Marinette asked and the conversation continued on for a while.

The talk in your group kept going as you all headed to class and didn't stop until the bell rang and you sat right next to Adrien as Nino sat right next to the quiet red head who you usually sat with. Turning towards the front of the classroom you noticed the principal was there. Probably going to make some sort of announcement, you thought. When the class settled down he began, "Today students we are starting a design project! Someone, of course, will judge your final design and that some one will be Gabriel Agreste, father of our very own student Adrien Agreste who will be modeling the winner's project!" As he gestured towards Adrien, Adrien just rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly while smiling. It reminded you of someone but you pushed the thought out of your head for now as you wanted to hear what you actually had to make for the project. "And your theme for this year is," he paused for a dramatic effect, "derby hats!" You could hear marinette groan behind you. Derby hats must not be her thing. "You have ten hours to complete your project, now go!" When he finished talking everyone rushed out of the classroom to find a place to start sketching their own hats. You just happened to stick next to Alya and Marinette. When you all got out to the school plaza (in case you didn't know that's what the middle open part of the school is) and found a bench to sit on you opened your sketch book and began trying out designs on a page. You didn't really notice Marinette's complaints once you were in your zone, sketching. What dragged you out of your zone was a honey sweet voice, "Wow (y/n), those are some amazing designs." It was Adrien looking down at the sketchbook in your lap. A sudden warm feeling hit you, "Oh really? You should see some of Marinette's concept sketches!" you said cheerfully, hoping to get the spotlight off you. When he began to to talk to the girls seated next you, you began to sketch more designs. Finally you found one you liked and made a bigger sketch of it, trying to fit in all the details. "I think you guys have a good shot at winning!" Adrien called out as he walked away. You really wanted him to stay, even just his presence around you made you strangely happy. "Wait Adrien!" you called out, "Could you help me put my hat together? I could really use the extra help!" His eyes seemed to shine at your words and he came strolling back over to you, "Sure! I'm guessing we're going to your house then?" He offered a hand to you and you took it. "Yeah that's where we should go!" you turned back and waved at Alya and Marinette. Their shocked expressions almost made you want to laugh but you just turned and continued walking out of school with Adrien.

On your walk to your home a bird happen to pass by and Adrien sneezed as it flew by. "Ugh, I'm allergic. Sorry." he explained. "It's fine Adrien. We'll be at my house soon, the walk isn't that long." You assured him. When you two did get into the house it was empty because your parents were normally at work at this hour. Anyway you got right to work constructing a base out of card board and then making the actual hat with fabric and different embellishments with Adrien helping you the whole time. However not long into making the hat a strange noise sounded from outside. Peering out the window a new villain was roaming and controlling... pigeons? "Adrien you should go home until the attack is over." you said pushing him away from your window for safety. He only mumbled a yeah before exiting your house. Once he was out Monty bounded out your bag and you transformed with no time to waste. When you were Tigeress you leapt out your window and looked for any sign of this new villain. It didn't take long before you ran into Chat and he literally fell on top of you. "Well, look who fell for me this time, mon chaton." you said, underneath him. A light blush dusted his cheeks as he began to lift himself off you. "Let's just hurry and find the villain I had to leave someone to do this." he said running off. "Some kitty is grumpy." you muttered before running after him.

After a bit of running you managed to find ladybug and the three of you conversed over what you knew about this bird man. The three of you came to the conclusion that he really wanted the park keepers gone and someone needed to act as bait. Sadly poor Chat Noir was used as the bait and stood there was his police hat on. After a while he became bored of his position and began dancing in various ways. "Ugh, Chat act natural or he'll never come!" ladybug whisper-shouted from the tree next to yours. He only stopped dancing for a few minutes before he started to go into a sneezing fit again. As you peeked from behind your tree you saw the large sphere of pigeons engulf him. "Chat!" you yelled out as you chased the birds and him. The birds actually dropped him off at a nice roof of a fancy building. After sneezing a few more times chat asked, "Now where is Mr. Pigeon?" The sudden bird noises coming from behind your trio caused you to turn and answer chat, "He's right behind us."

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