Chapter 15: Ice Cream

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Adrien's p.o.v.
(y/n) was still asleep in my arms when the movie ended. While the credits rolled I just happily left her asleep. Her soft breathing and gentle movements were worth millions of dollars to me. Plagg popped out of my bag though and began talking, "So, you really like her, huh?" "Yeah, but get back in my bag before she wakes up!" I whisper shouted at him. He completely ignored my request and kept talking, "Ya know Marinette has a crush on you. How do think she'd respond to you dating?" "First off we're not dating." I told him. "Yet." Plagg slyly responded. "Second, I don't know!" I said, agitated. I really didn't want anyone to get hurt. "And what about Tigeress? I don't think you forgot your little talk with her!" Plagg continued to bother me. I didn't know what my future with them would be like. "I don't know Plagg! Just get back in my bag before she sees you!" I pushed him off the couch just before a sleepy voice asked, "Who are you talking to?" "No one!" I said quickly. "Oh okay," she said while rubbing her eyes, "how long was I out?" I looked at her and replied, "The entire movie I think." She yawned and stretched then got out of my lap. "Well we still have plenty of day left. Anything you want to do?" she inquired. "Wanna go for a walk?" I proposed. "Sounds good. Should we get some food while we're out?" I replied, "Sure!" and we left her house

Your p.o.v.
You were quite embarrassed you fell asleep in his lap and to make it worse you slept through the whole movie! You decided to be polite and apologise, "Sorry I slept through the movie you picked. How was it?" He replied, smiling, "The movie was good and it's fine, I got to nap too! Anyway, anywhere you want to stop?" This made you think of the bookshop. "Um, do you want to stop by my parent's bookshop? They were staying there over night and I don't know why." He looked generally concerned. "Should we get a car to get there faster?" he asked. "No it's only a short walk past the park and we'll be there!" you told him and flashed a smile. "What's your store called?" he asked while you walked. You replied, "Books Unlimited." His face suddenly brightened, "Oh! Wasn't there a article about it in the newspaper a while ago?" You smiled and said, "Yeah, that's us! The store is going to open up next weekend." He seemed rather excited now and kept the talk up the entire walk.

When you got to the storefront you took a key out of your bag and accidentally poked Monty in the process. You then unlocked the front door and held it open for Adrien to enter with you. "Mom? Dad?" you called out. Your dad yelled from the back room, "(y/n)? Is that you?"
"Yeah!" you yelled back once more. You dad came from the 'employees only' door. His eyes shifted from you to Adrien and back to you. "Who is your friend?" he kindly asked. "You don't remember?!," you teased, "This is Adrien from that project group!" "Ah, I remember him. Anyway, why are you two here?" your father asked. "I was wondering why you guys stayed here." you told him. He responded, "Well, there was something wrong with the lights in the back room, so we decided to stay a bit longer to fix it. However when we found what was really wrong we knew it would take a day to fix, so we stayed over night to spend all day today repairing it." "What was really wrong." you kindly asked, hoping you could help in some way. Dad sighed and said, "Mice were in the ceiling and walls, chewing cables and wires. We got them out yesterday and we're repairing wires today." "Oh." you mustered. You knew you weren't much help when it came down to electricity and grabbed Adrien's hand and prepared to leave, "Well, we're going out for lunch! Good Luck!" Your dad smiled and waved you goodbye as you left the store.

You and Adrien began walk further down the street with your hands still intertwined. "I know a good ice cream shop that's just down the street. Do you want to stop there?" Adrien asked politely. You grinned goofily and agreed with him, "Yeah! I'm going to get some vanilla!" He smiled back and kept walking with you. Before long you were there in front of the previously mentioned ice cream shop. Upon walking inside a certain chilliness came on you and you shuddered a little bit. Adrien seemed to notice and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close to him. It was a sweet and cute gesture. When you two actually got to the counter you ordered you vanilla cone and Adrien ordered some chocolate and then the two of you left the shop. The ice cream was absolutely delicious! The sweet flavor somehow boosted your good mood. "I told you it was good!" Adrien said. You smiled and said, "I never doubted you." You continued walking until you reach the park where you sat down. The ice cream almost completely gone by then but you were still enjoying your last bits. To the side of you Adrien had already finished his cone and had a slight smudge of chocolate on his left cheek. When you noticed you smiled and told him, "You have a little something on your cheek." He rubbed his right cheek. "Wrong one." you stated and reached over to the other side of his face and wiped off the remaining chocolate. He seemed a bit flushed and didn't say anything so you went back to your ice cream. After a few minutes it was gone and just you and Adrien sat on the park bench. "It's really nice out today!" Adrien chirped. You looked at him and back to the open park around you. Smiling from ear to ear you corrected him, "No. It's really perfect today!" He looked at you happily and asked, "Can I make your first weekend in Paris anymore perfect?" You giggled. "I don't even think that's possible!" you admitted. "Oh, really? Have you even been to the Eiffel Tower yet?" he retorted. "No, but let's save that for another day. This one is already perfect with you next to me." you told him. You weren't embarrassed when you said that; you felt extremely happy instead. As if nothing could dull your happiness. He casually stretched his arm over your shoulder and you leaned into him. You could feel his steady heart beat and it made you feel content with your first week in paris. "You're right. Today is perfect as is." Adrien commented. By now it was close to dusk and the sky was turning a pretty shade of lilac. "I guess it's time to go home, my parents will be wondering where I am." you told Adrien. He sighed, "You're right again sadly. Want me to walk you home?" "Yeah, I would like that." you stated. So, he walked you home with his arm around you. When you got to your front door you turned to face him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I had fun today." you said as you hugged him. He seemed a little shocked at first but returned the embrace. When you let go he said, "Until next time m'lady." and walked off. You smiled and closed the door and walked into the kitchen. "So, are you two dating?" your mother asked. "No. We're just friends." you sighed. Your mother picked up on your sigh, "Sounds like you want to be. Why don't you ask him?" "I don't know I kinda recently figured out I liked him." Your conversation continued with your mother until you grabbed some blueberries from the fridge and went to your room. "Finally I'm starving!!" Monty cried when you got to your room. You were too tired to respond to him and almost fell asleep immediately.

ayyyyyeeeeeee im back. I had some personal business to tend to, but noW IM BACK. I'll be back to writing in no time flat so don't worry. The upcoming chapters will be supplied in good time.

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