Chapter 10: Birdie Battle

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Episode: Mr. Pigeon

Finally you all got a good look at this villain. His suit did closely resemble the birds around him. He looked just like a pigeon! However it wasn't long before he took action. He didn't say a word as he just drew the bird call to his mouth and blew. When the call rang through the air the birds around you started to fly in some odd pattern and caused you and your comrades to crouch down and try to cover yourself. "Got any bright ideas bug?" Chat asked Lady Bug. His words were laced with annoyance. "You're the cat! Don't you eat these for breakfast?" she retorted. You began to scold them, "Would two stop bickering!" You were going to say more but a metal clanging above your head stopped you. It stunned you how these fragile birds lowered a cage on all three of you while you were cowering. The birds started to fly away once the cage was in place. All you could do really was gasp while this all took place. Mr. Pigeon began to speak once your dropped jaw came back up. "Roo! Ah ha ha ha, I'm so ruthless." he said in a somewhat menacing tone. A pink symbol started to glow on his face, as if to make up for his nonexistent mask. The shape was similar to an akuma's shape. A few mutters could be heard but soon the bird man exclaimed, "Roo! Roo! Your miraculouses, give them to me or face the wrath of my feathered friends!" He sounded his special bird call again and birds on top of your entrapment started to jump on it, creating a sound that made you cringe every time, but what really had you panicked was the birds not on the cage pointing their rears towards your trio, ready to fire. "Da Da Dee, on the count of three my beloved pigeons will commence fire! You can still save your sorry skins by handing me your miraculous." when he began to count Lady Bug turned to Noir and said quietly, "Chat, the bars." He nodded and began to activate his Cataclysm powers, loudly. Once he did, he swiftly dragged his claws along the bars on one side. Mr. Pigeon never got to finish his little countdown when Chat commented, "Looks like the pigeon is really just a chicken." while you edged closer to your villain he got closer and closer to the literal edge of the roof. "Me? I'm not flying away! I just killing two birds with one stone!" Mr. Pigeon called to you. When he signalled his call this time he fell back onto more birds. While they did complex maneuvers he shouted, "Merry Christmas!" and sent a ball of birds towards you. Lady, Chat, and you began sprinting to a nearby door and closed it as soon as everyone was inside. The birds pounded into the iron door and created a major dent in it. You all began to sprinted down the stair cases that you had ran into but soon Chat slowed down and a beep signalled why. "I've got to get out of here before my secret identity is revealed!" "Yeah, you wouldn't want to let the cat out of the bag, would you?" you said sweetly to him. "Ha ha, very funny." He said annoyed. When you all got to to bottom of the stairs it turned out you were in the Mayors office. "Lady Bug, Chat Noir, Tigeress!" the mayor began to blabber on to your trio while Chat tried to answer politely and ordered a room. His panicked state was quite cute actually and the Mayor's confused face when he ordered Camembert actually made you giggle a bit. When he looked back at you and Lady Bug, Lady just shrugged.

You and Lady Bug got your own room and when you got there they had a entire wall that was one huge window! She just said, "Great, I can get a much better view from here." She began to study the Pigeons from this great window and muttered little things under her breath. The birds outside perplexed you as they were flying in small groups and all in the same direction. "Better follow them!" she declared as the elevator dinged. "Ready when you are!" Chat chirped.

After following around the pigeons for a bit they all came to land at the same large, glass top building. While you all hid behind one of its decorative columns by the main doors. When Lady Bug peeked into the inside she whispered, "So that's where Mr. Pigeon has been keeping the park keepers he abducted!" Chat muttered, "The Grand Palais?" before beginning to sneeze again. Luckily, you stopped it before he sneezed. "My pigeon radar is on high alert." Chat said
"Either your radar is on brink or Mr. Pigeon left the guards unattended." you replied.
"Then let's set the cat amongst the pigeons." he said darkly.
"Wait up kitty." You said putting a hand on his chest. You felt his heart rate pick up when touched him but ignored it and said confused, "It's too easy..." Lady Bug piped up again and exclaimed, "I've got a plan!" She promptly ran off after that and left you with no choice but to follow her onto the roof. While running along the glass part of the roof Bug looked back and said, "If we destroy that bird call we can capture the Akuma!" She slowed down when she spotted a hatch like thing amongst the other glass panels. "Okay you open the window, I'll grab him and pull him up onto the roof, then you'll take his bird call away from him." She seemed content with her clever plan and Chat replied, "Okay, let's go. Early bird gets the worm." when he opened the window some dozen feathers blew right up in his face and made him sneeze. This shocked Bug so her aim was off and her yo-yo just nearly skimmed Mr. Pigeon's arm. When she pulled her yo-yo back up you sassily said, "So much for the element of surprise." and jumped down onto his platform. He simply backed up and slid over the edge with his pigeons breaking his fall. You jumped down and continued your chase before he summoned large bird spheres around his arms. "Come closer I have a bone to peck with you!" He sneered. "I'd be honored." Chat Noir retorted. Throwing birds left and right he backed you all up onto the cages full of officers. They let out some words of encouragement before Lady Bug called forth her lucky charm. It turned out to a coin which apparently made sense to her after looking around a bit. "You can't buy yourself out of here!!" Mr. Pigeon called to her while throwing more birds. Lady slid right under them and wrapped her yo-yo and the bird man's foot. She then continued to wrap her yo-yo around some of the ceiling's support beams. Running over to the vending machines Lady put her coin in one and ordered something, you couldn't see it that well. She threw it up and yelled, "Tigeress!" signalling you to shoot an arrow at it. The arrow of pierced the bag with dead accuracy and made popcorn rain onto Mr. Pigeon. "Snack time pigeons!" She declared.

While the pigeons were snacking on their master, Lady Bug pulled Mr. Pigeon up and his call fell to the Chat who caught it perfectly. And ten he sneezed and the call went flying. Lady Bug stopped supporting Mr. Pigeon to try and go fetch it, but you all ran for it at the same time. Sadly bird brain go to it first and the rest of your hands piled on after. Lady bug decided the best way to end this now was to simply smash all your hands down onto the bird call which did indeed smashed it but hurt Chat's and your hand. Getting up while Lady Bug cleaned the Akuma you forgot about your own pain for a bit and grabbed Chat's hand, pulling it into yours. "Does it hurt?" you asked concerned as you looked it over. "No, but I have to go and meet someone now so bye!" he said a bit rushed and ran out after the Bug fixed the damage. She left soon after too and so did you to finish the hat with what time you had left.

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