Chapter 14: Photoshoot

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A loud ringing woke you up. Opening your sleepy eyes you came to the realization it was your phone going off. Tiredly you hit the off button and got out of bed. The morning sun shown through your window and Monty still was sleeping at the side of your pillow.
He needs a proper bed somehow, you thought as you picked him up and placed him in the center of your pillow. You proceeded to loosely wrap the blanket around him. He shuffled around a lil bit but stayed asleep and you grabbed your phone and left the room. Your phone read 7:36 am as you turned on your shower. You turned on some pop music and stripped down to get in the shower. When you got in you let the water stream down your body before lathering it in berry scented soap. You washed your hair and then let water rinse off any excess soap and you got out the shower. While turning off the shower you grabbed a towel and wrapped yourself in it. Deciding to let your hair air dry you left the room with your phone and music and headed back up to your attic room. Upon getting there with your loud music Monty pulled some of the blanket over to cover him entirely. He seemed quite annoyed to be woken up so rudely. Lazily he said, "Turn it down." You did because you felt bad for his tiny ears and got dressed. After being fully dressed you checked the time again, it read 8:06 am this time. A stomach grumble reminded you something. You hadn't ate since yesterday! Grabbing Monty you rushed down the stairs to get some food. Your breakfast turned out to be some frosted flakes while Monty had some blue berries. By the time you both had finished it was 8:27 am. You sighed, there was still 33 minutes until you should start heading to the park. In that time you ended up looking at Alya's Ladyblog again. This you read all her new posts and she even had a video or two. That pretty much took up your remaining time and when you looked at the time it was 9:04. "Well, Monty time to go." you said and opened your bag for him. He hopped in without hesitation and you grabbed your house keys and left, locking the door behind you. The walk seemed quite brief to you but according to your phone's clock it took up 35 minutes. Now you were 20 minutes early to the photoshoot and you sat on a rather comfy bench. To your surprise Adrien and his camera crew were early too, but only by 10 minutes. While the crew were setting up you had a chance to speak with Adrien. "Hey, Adrien!!" you yelled to get his attention. He turned and grinned at you. You waltzed over to him happily. "You're early!" he commented.
"Hey, I wanted to get front row seats for the show." you joked.
He smiled and laughed along. One of the cameramen passed the hat that would be dominating the photoshoot to Adrien. Adrien, of course, sneezed after only a few seconds of holding it. You took away the item and asked, "Are you going to be okay for the shoot?"
He seemed amused by your question, "Of course I will be! I've been through much worse!" At that moment a cameraman asked if he was ready to start the shoot. Adrien nodded and you playfully placed the hat on his head and you walked back to your seat. The shoot clearly didn't go quite as planned and the crew working got more annoyed with each of Adrien's sneezes. It wasn't his fault though, the hat was covered in feathers. The camera man called an end to the shoot early after he finally got a few good photos. He took the hat and left Adrien to do as he pleased. Poor Adrien had slightly red eyes and quite the runny nose. "When we get home do you want some allergy medicine?" you asked, concerned. "Yeah, that would be helpful." For most of the walk to your house he leaned on you slightly and sneezed every so often. You felt bad for the poor boy! Upon getting to your house you let him sit in the couch in front of the tv. You headed on over to the medicine cabinet and shuffled things around looking for something to help him. You did end up finding some generic brand name medicine your dad used for his allergies. You handed two pills along with a glass of water to Adrien. "That might make you a bit sleepy, so if you want you can sleep through this first movie." you told him. He looked up at you and smiled, "Thanks again." You returned his smile and said, "Getting you some medi-" You were cutoff when Adrien clarified, "No, I mean thank you for being so nice to me. You had the option to go around the city with Alya and Marinette but you didn't. You stuck with me to watch movies."
"That's because I care about Adrien. I care about you a lot." you said, clearly quite flustered, "Now, did you choose a movie yet?" He shook his head. You ended up picking out some weird sci-fi movie and played it. True to your word, about 15 minutes into the movie, you felt a heavy weight on your shoulder. Looking over you saw Adrien leaning on you, softly asleep. This was a bit uncomfortable for your part as he weighed more than you, so you ended up laying down on the couch with him next to you. You continued to watch to the movie until you got distracted again. Adrien looped around your waist and pulled you closer to him. Assuming he was still asleep you let it slide. To be honest, you weren't really paying attention to the movie. You were thinking of what was said before the movie. Adrien's 'thank you' echoed in your head. Once again you were distracted from your thoughts by some mumbling from Adrien. Didn't think he was one to-, for the third time that day he interrupted you this time however it wasn't his words that did it, it was whimpering and a wet feeling on the back of your neck. Turning around you found he was crying in his sleep. A bad dream?, you thought. You didn't quite know what to do so you just wiped away his tears and wrapped your arms around him. You began to rub circles into his back and whisper reassuring things to him while his grip on you tightened. He nestled his head into your shoulder and you could feel his tears on your skin. They made your heart ache and you felt awful seeing him like this. You began to shake him slightly as to wake him. "Adrien! You need to get up!" you ushered. His eyes shot open and sat up. His breathing was ragged and his eyes were puffy. You sat up too and said "You were crying in your sleep and I didn't know what to do! Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a- just a bad dream." he replied. Carefully you cupped his face and you began to wipe away his tears. "You're clearly not fine. Do you want to talk about it?" you asked. His face went a slightly darker shade of red at your touch. He just shook his head no. You asked, "Well, do you want to choose a new movie?" The movie you had been watching was rolling the credits. "Sure," Adrien agreed, "how about this one?" He had a rather romantic movie in his hand and held it out for you to see. You nodded and slid the disc into the player. The tv's screen began the opening of the movie and the two of you sat back into the couch. You had grabbed a small blanket shortly into the movie because the house suddenly got chilly. Adrien looked over at you confused. "What? I'm cold!" you whisper-shouted to him. Without any words he suddenly snatched the blanket away and before you could even react he pulled you into his lap. "Is this better?" he innocently asked while adjusting the blanket around the two of you. His actions certainly brought the heat to your cheeks and you simply nodded yes to him. His arms laid around your waist while the movie played and it was quite peaceful. So peaceful even you began to get sleepy and eventually you just leaned into him, taking in his lovely scent, and fell into a soft slumber.

Well, that was an intense chapter to write. Anyway guys I might be gone for a while so don't expect too many chapters. Maybe a few this week. Sorry!
Btw here is a new ref for the story and stuff

 Sorry!Btw here is a new ref for the story and stuff

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So yeah bye!

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