Chapter 18: Drifting

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After Chat left you heard Monty behind you, "ou la la mon Cherie! You are getting awfully lovey-dovey with a certain Chat Noir!" You rolled your eyes and looked back at him. His playful little smirk annoyed you.

You retort to him, "Oh yeah and what are you trying to say?" Monty's little smirk grew as you became more agitated with him.

"Well, I mean, so are you and Adrien. You know you're going to confess at one point to one of them? Which one will it be?" Monty inquired. Your heart dropped because you had no idea who you'd confess to. You just didn't want someone heartbroken. 

"I- I don't know Monty." you muttered. Monty got the clue that this was a sore subject and quieted down. You sighed and closed your window. The cool draft running in your room was halted and you could try and get some sleep with these worries in your head. While your bed was a warm welcome the thought in your head were not. Who would you confess to first? What would happen to the other person? You felt bad for betraying Adrien like this, but you also felt just as bad for Chat Noir. At long last, after thinking about the two for at least an hour, you fell into a sleepless dream.

The next morning your alarm clock woke you up while Monty was curled up on your pillow. You kept quiet as you were getting ready. When you finished getting ready and dressing your feet lead you out the room and into the kitchen. Monty was hiding in the hood of your jacket when the thoughts of the competition between Adrien and Chat Noir were interrupted by your mother's soft voice.

"Hey Hon, would you like me to pack you a lunch today?" She inquired.

You murmured back at her a soft, "Sure." Her brows knitted together in slight concern and she bit her lip.

"(y/n), sweetheart, are you alright?" She questioned. You just nodded your head and picked up your school bags and books. By that time your mom was finished with her little lunch for you and handed it to you as you left the house. 

For the most part, the walk was quiet until Adrien joined. His face dropped when he saw you. It was almost like he could sense something was wrong with you.

"Is something up?" He softly asked you. His words were laced with concern and worry and it made you feel even more guilty. You just shook your head and crossed your arms. His didn't believe it. 

He asked again with a little more edge, "(y/n), I can tell that something's wrong. Please to me." You didn't want to tell Adrien. You didn't want to lose him as a friend and you didn't want to break him either. You shrugged him off of you and some tears rolled down your cheeks.

"Look it was just- it was just a bad morning alright? I don't want to talk about it." you sniffled and stepped away from him. His eyes looked hurt, but he only sighed. He put his hands up in defense.

He reminded you, "I'm here if you want to talk." After that he was silent and you could tell he was hurt. The rest of the walk was completely silent. Even at school, you kept to yourself for the day. You just leaned your head down on the desk and listened to what the teacher said. Everything went in one ear and went out the other. Every once in a while you would catch a worried glance from another classmate, but you ignored it. The idea of confessing was still dancing around in your mind. At lunch, you avoided the rest of your friends and instead just sat in the plaza which was mostly empty.

"Listen, (y/n), I'm sorry I said wha-" Monty started but you cut him off. 

You told him, "It's not your fault Monty. You were right, I've got to confess to one of them. I just don't know who." Monty was silent after that and you just sat still in the school's plaza listening to the birds above and the wind. For a brief moment, you felt a little bit better. The thoughts in your head were faded just a bit and then they came back and with a migraine. 

After lunch, you continued with your silence for the whole day. After school, you rushed home before Adrien could even catch up to you. You told yourself you just needed some fresh air to clear your head, but you still felt bad for leaving Adrien behind. Still, the walk by yourself was nice. With the cool fresh wind whipping against your face it somehow made you feel a bit fresher. As you neared home you found yourself calmer and calmer. Your head was beginning to clear and the headache was fading away. 

As you entered your home it was silent and you just guessed that your parents were at the shop. Monty popped out of your hood but just kept silent. As you dropped your bag and heading into the kitchen for a snack you could hear your doorbell ring. You spun on your heel and head straight back to the door. Alya and Nino were standing there as you opened it up. Alya grinned in a way and just yelled that she was up to no good.

"I think I've sniffed out who Ladybug is!' She whisper yelled to you.

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