Chapter 12: stars

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You waited for all noises in your house to cease before beginning a quiet transformation. It reminded you much of your first transformation a few nights ago, but you didn't think of it much as you slipped out the window. The wind almost carried you as you ran and jumped over obstacles and gaps between buildings. It was long before you came across a figure in the dark. They stood still and tall watching over the streets below. It took a minute for you to realize it was Chat Noir. Creeping up on him, you gave him a tight bear hug and he gasped. "Mon chaton?" he called out hopefully. This time you didn't care much that he called you his kitten. "Yes~" you said slyly and releasing him. He spun around once you let go and your faces came close together. So close even, your noses lightly touched. You took a few steps back with a fire in your face and a flock of birds in your stomach, just the feeling you got around him. He just smiled and began a small conversation, "So, what has you out here at this time?"
"I could ask the same of you." you retorted with a flirty amount of sass and he laughed lightly, "Yeah I guess so. How was your day then?"
"Fantastic! I got to spend my day with a good friend, though I had to leave him to fight." You sighed and you thought about the feelings you got around him and also Chat Noir. "Funny, same thing happened here." There was a comfortable silence for a bit before you sat down and leaned on the railing of the roof you met on. He followed your motions next to you. You began to speak again, "Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, sure."
Your eyes drifted up to the stars and you continued, "What does it mean when you feel amazing around just one person?"
You could feel his face turn towards you.

Chat Noir's p.o.v.

Her question confused me. It wasn't that I didn't know the answer, but I wanted to know more. I wanted to know who this person was because I felt that way around her and someone else... (y/n). I asked, "What do you mean?"
"I mean there is this person and just being around them makes me feel so good. When they even touch the hands of someone else all my hopes fall and it's like I can't help it. They just... They just... Mean so much to me.."
Her sentence ran off and took my spirits with it. There was no way she would be talking about me and I didn't even know if our civilian forms knew another. "What you feel, right here," I patted above my shattered heart and she looked, "Is love."
She looked so stunned and her clueless purple eyes widened. "Love?" she breathed out softly. "Yes, love." I said just as soft. She surprised me with a hug, "Thank you for telling me this."

Back to your p.o.v.
"Do you feel like this around someone?" you asked, after releasing him.
"Yes, I do."
Your heart crushed a little. It was probably Ladybug. You'd seen how he talked to her on Alya's blog videos.
"You don't have to answer, but is it Ladybug?"
He eyed you carefully. Your face was probably full of disappointment. "No." He said slightly saddened. You wondered why but responded with a little okay. You two sat on the roof for a while more, watching the stars above us. A sudden shooting star came across the sky and made his eyes light up. He put a hand on your should and whispered in your ear, "Make a wish." The feeling he called love overwhelmed you at this moment. It pumped blood to your face and made fireworks explode from within you. You closed your eyes and thought to yourself, I wish Chat Noir and Adrien will always be happy, regardless of if they really love me or not. You opened your eyes and met up with Chat Noir's green eyes. He inquired, "What did you wish for?"
"Silly cat, if I told you it wouldn't come true"
You spoke to him childishly and it made him smile.
"Aw, you can't even give me a hint?" he practically purred.
"Nope." you stuck out your tongue and accidentally licked him. You let out a small gasp and gushed out a few apologies but Chat sat in front of you and leaned in. He leaned in so close your cheeks touched and whispered huskily in your ear, "I would have much preferred a bite." Your heart sped up and your stomach almost felt as if birds were flying wildly in it but the rest of you acted just as smoothly as Chat did and whispered in his ear, "Are you sure you would want to start that?" Two beeps interrupted your intense moment, but Chat leaned closer and gave you a hug which you returned. After that he got up, as did you, and said, "See you again Mon Chaton." He left leaving you to your thoughts as you ran home. They flooded your mind as you fled back to your room. However a small rooftop garden called you over. You snatched a few strawberries and various other berries ( for Monty of course! ) and continued home. Upon reaching your window you flung yourself inside and dropped the berries on your desk. By this time Monty popped out of your brooch and onto your desk. He began to eat the berries and made quite the mess all over some of your notes! You grabbed a tissue and gently snatched up your kwami and placed the tissue under him. It helped to keep your notes clean for the time being. With that being done you left the desk lamp on for Monty and turned off the room lights. Slipping under your blanket you fell fast asleep.

(okay now that I have your attention)
I edited the first chapter a bit and it effects the rest of the story so I advise you to reread it so this story makes more sense but to summarize it for you lazy bums: YOUR FAMILY OWNS A LIBRARY!! However unlike Marinette's bakery the library is in not part of your house. Anyway since I am finally out of school I'm going to update a ton more and maybe start another fanfic.

Until then
Vaut Pen

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