Chapter 21: Playing Nurse

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"Sure, Mon Chaton."

Adrien grinned wildly which was something that could only mean trouble. Your mother glanced to the back of the car where you and adrien sat leaning together. She gave a warm smile while your dad had a worried expression.
She slyly questioned, "(y/n), aren't you going to introduce us to your boyfriend?" You could feel the the blood rush to your cheeks as you looked at your feet and your hand twiddled together in your lap. You could feel Adrien chuckle sheepishly.

"I'm Adrien, it's very nice to me you." He politely stated. You snaked your hand into his and felt your fingers lace together as if they were puzzle pieces. His thumb traced circles into the back of your hand as your mother spoke again.

"It's very nice to meet you too!" She exclaimed and actually leaned back to pinch his cheek in the most embarrassing way.

"Mooooooom!" You groaned and swatted her hand off. Adrien didn't seem to care, but when he looked over back at you again his smile didn't seem as genuine and there was a sadness hidden in his green eyes. Your hand tightened around his on instinct and you nuzzled your head into his shoulder more.

Finally, your father spoke up, "So, Adrien, what do you like?" Your dad seemed a little more cautious as his eyes drifted from the room to his mirror to see Adrien smile.

"Well, uh, I do fencing," Adrien began, "and I model for my father." Once again your mother flashed you a devious grin.

"Modelling you say? Well (y/n), you sure picked out a good one!" She joked. Once again more heat flooded your face.

You muttered, "It's not like that. We sorta- we sorta picked out each other." She melted and clasped her hands over her heart as she fell back into her seat.

She exclaimed, "Oh my little (y/n) in love! I can hardly believe it! (d/n), can you?" As she nudged him, your dad got a little annoyed.

"No." he huffed out and kept his eyes on the road as your mom kept trying to cheer him up and called him sour puss and everything else. As you and Adrien laughed and giggled along your dad only got more annoyed. Still you could feel that Adrien was upset about something, but you didn't want to ask him here; in front of your parents. You could tell that you were getting closer to home when the scenery changed into more familiar landmarks.

"Well, we're here. Home, sweet home." Dad grimaced and parked the car in the driveway. Adrien helped you out of the car and still supported your shoulder like he did this morning. you hopped around and kept weight off your injured leg, just like the doctor recommended, but each hop sent it stinging. Adrien helped you sit in the family room where the two of you watched movies once and mother fixed soup. Adrien walked between rooms to fetch everything for you. This included food, your laptop, a sketchbook, and so much more. You kept him busy while you made the living room your new resting place.
Finally after thirty minutes you got calculated and comfy. When Adrien sat down you nestled up next to him and opened your sketchbook to a new blank page. You could tell your mom was squealing in the kitchen probably calling you two 'the cutest' or 'just two lil lovedoves' as she'd been since you got home.

You felt now was a good time to ask Adrien if he was okay. He had this underlying sadness since the car ride.

"Hey, Adrien, you feeling okay?" you gently questioned. He seemed a bit taken back by your question, but answered anyway.

He responded, "Yeah I'm fine. What made you ask?" You just looked at him and his obvious lie.

"You've been a little down since the car. Was it something my mom said or my dad or something?" You stated. Adrien just shook his head and weakly smiled. You could see his eyes watering and instantly you put your warm hand to his cheek. As your thumb rubbed he sighed and looked away from you.

Black Cat At My Door (Chat Noir X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora