Chapter 11: Derby hats

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Episode: Mr. Pigeon

When you got home you transformed back to your civilian form and set to work on your hat with the hour you had left. Luckily there wasn't much left to do and you finished after 20 minutes. With Monty asleep next to you, you decided to see the impact Adrien had on the modeling world, since that was how you met him and all. Turns out he was a huge sensation across France! He had tons of fans and photos posted all across the internet so you clicked on a fan blog and got lost in all his magazine covers for a while. What drug you back into the real world was your phone going off. You grabbed it and answered, "Hello?"
"Hey (y/n), it's Adrien! I was just making sure you were okay!"
"Oh, I'm fine. you didn't need worry anyway I should probably pack up and start heading back to school. See you there?"
"Of course! Anyway bye, see you soon!" he said sweetly and ended the call. You put your hat in a box, got Monty comfy in your bag and left the house to go back to the school.

When you got to the school you went to the plaza were you presumed was were the hat would be displayed. Since you were there early not too many others were there with hats. Chloe and Sabrina were there though with a beautiful hat that had feathers coating it and a band of golden loops around it. In short the hat was sure to win compared to yours. Since you had time to waste you set off to find Adrien. You didn't find him but instead walked into Alya as she entered the school.
"Hey girl," she said in a friendly manner, "what did you and Adrien do?"
"Oh nothing much. We just talked and worked on the hat." She nodded and the small chat continued until it was just about time for the hats to be judged. Marinette still wasn't here at this point and it worried you a bit, but your focus shifted off her once Adrien walked into the plaza followed by a lady holding a tablet and the principal. The lady soon showed the tablet to us and it had a video chat on it with the man you had known to be Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's father. The principal mumbled something under his breath but continued to guide the women to the first hat. Marinette at last ran into the plaza with a box. You let out a breath of relief as she placed on the remaining podium beside you. "Where are you been!" Alya whisper-shouted as Mari got out her hat. It seemed to be a twin to Chloe's hat. "Did you copy Chloe?!" you asked, shocked. Mari looked confused and glanced over to Chloe. Anger quickly came over Marinette, but she smirked, which actually confused you. As the women with Mr. Agreste made her way over to Mari's hat you got increasingly anxious. Chloe's finally seemed to notice Mari's hat and began to fake cry, "She copied my design! How could you!" She slammed her head down on her podium for "extra effect". Mr. Agreste looked rather annoyed and asked Marinette, "Do you care to explain yourself?"
"Actually, yeah I do." Mari stated, angered "If my hands don't prove enough," she showed her hand to the tablet, they were covered in, "then I signed my hat." She grabbed the feathery hat and flipped it upside down. The band of gold loops suddenly spelled something, Marinette. Chloe had noticed by now and had also flipped her hat. She ran off crying, "I'm going to tell Daddy!" She left the hat flipped over, exposing Marinette's name to the collected crowd. "Well done, young lady. You are this year's winner!" Mr. Agreste declared, though he was still quite monotone, "Someday you will be a great designer." Adrien walked up to her and grabbed her hands and the hat. He smiled and said to her, "Nice job, Marinette!" His actions made your heart hurt for some reason. You scolded yourself for feeling this way but you couldn't help it. This strange feeling took over you when you saw Adrien... And Chat Noir. A sneeze woke you from your thinking. Adrien had tried on her hat and then turned back to Mari and said,"Sorry I'm Allergic." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and her face fell. For some reason that made you feel better and once again you scolded yourself for feeling like that. "Hey Adrien! Mind if I tag along for your next photoshoot?" you shouted. His face brightened up, "Of course!" he said at a moderate volume now since you had walked up to him. His goofy grin made you extremely happy in ways you couldn't describe. So while Marinette walked off you and Adrien chatted and joked until your phone rang. It was your father, wanting you home, so you bid farewell to Adrien and walked home.

Once home you regrouped with your family you had dinner. It was just some spaghetti your parents prepared together. After that you went up to your room and sat around with your laptop for awhile. You looked up Alya's LadyBlog and actually looked at it. It was pretty neat how keen of a listener she was and had picked up on nearly everything Ladybug and Chat Noir had said. For a minute you read through her long posts and then came across one about Tigeress. She had written such a detailed bio about you and had even linked another blog specially for Tigeress. Clicking it, you were lead to the blog which had a bunch of mostly true posts about you. It was pretty cool and made you smile, but then a knock came from your door. "(y/n) darling, it's time for bed." your dad called. "M'kay dad! I'm going." you responded. You got ready for bed but then glanced at the window. The sky was clear tonight and the stars shone so clearly. It was perfect for a little midnight patrol of Paris.

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