Schrödinger's Cat

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What's with this aching silence?

This so carefully-plotted taboo.

For in silence, everything you say,

Is true and untrue too.

You're head over heals in love with me,

You wish that I'd just die.

For what difference does it make to me?

All of your honest lies.

Now what did happen to that cat,

That I locked up just for fun?

When I peek inside, will he be

Dead, or alive, or none?

In your silence, you say everything

And yet nothing at all.

And all you say are blatant lies,

That ensure my downfall.

Congratulations, you've achieved,

Everything at once.

You're both villain and a hero,

Both a genius and a dunce.

Your nonexistent words cut deep,

And rip me wide apart.

Only certainty, which you deprive,

Can heal this tattered heart. 


The concept of this poem is based on the scientific thought experiment of Schrödinger's Cat, created by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger. I am by no means an physics expert, but in my own words, the thought experiment consists of putting a theoretical cat in a sealed box with an inhalant poison. After the cat has been in the box long enough for the poison to take action, but still no one has opened the box, the cat is both dead and alive until one or the other is proven when someone looks inside the box. In this poem, I applied that theory to a relationship, where if one partner refuses to talk to the other at all, all of the above-listed possibilities are both true and false until proven one or the other. Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoyed. :)

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