Chapter 2

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The next day

When the others got back from the Pentagon, they noticed Rachet was angrier. Whenever someone asked if he was alright, he would respond by throwing a wrench at them. He didn't really say anything, he would just act grumpier than usual. It got so bad that the others didn't want to be in the same room. At one point he left the main room and wandered off. Optimus decided he should talk to him and followed a few minutes later.

He found the doctor sitting at a table, his elbows on top and his head buried in his hands. Optimus walked into the room with a look of concern.

"Why can't you just leave me alone? I need some peace and quiet..." Rachet grumbled without looking up.

"Rachet, what's going on?" Optimus asked. The doctor looked up with a blank expression.

"Sorry Optimus..... I thought you were one of the others." He mumbled. Optimus sat down and looked at his friend for a moment.

"As your leader, it's my job to make sure everyone on this team is able to preform their duties." He paused and looked at him seriously. "But I'm here as a friend." He said.

Rachet sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. After a few minutes, he told Optimus what had happened the previous day. When he was done they sat in silence as the leader thought about what to say.

"It doesn't matter now..." The doctor muttered, he clenched his fists. "I'll get over it eventually..." He whispered. Optimus looked at him for a moment and a thought occurred to him, as the doctor stared at the table.

"You were going to remain human, weren't you?" Optimus said. Rachet looked back up and stared at him for a minute.

"Yes..." He mumbled almost feeling ashamed. He sat up straight and looked away. "She made me happy..." He clenched his jaw and looked at the floor, before looking back up. "She made me.....feel like I could be a better person....." He muttered. The room went quiet for a awhile, and the leader stood up.

"Don't give up." Optimus said simply as he gripping his shoulder. Rachet grunted as he stood up and started limping away. He stopped and looked back.

"At least it will make going back easier." He grumbled and left the room.


A month later.

Bulkhead drove up to the school and saw Jack and Raf sitting on the wall. He furrowed his brow as the kids approached.

"Is Miko in detention again?" He asked.

"No...she's hanging out with one of her friends she met last semester." Jack said as they got in.

"Oh....should we wait for her?" Bulkhead asked.

"No they left right after school." Raf said. Bulkhead nodded and drove back to the base. He hadn't seen the girl for a week or more. He wondered if she was okay.


Miko sat on a park bench listening to music and drawing. She looked up as a girl with purple hair approached with ice cream. She handed Miko one and sat next to her.

"Whatchya drawing?" The girl asked peeking over her shoulder. Miko hid it quickly.

"Oh nothing...." She said and ate the ice cream. "So how was summer vacation Jinx?" Miko asked.

"Boring....went to summer camp. It was my uncles idea." Jinx said rolling her eyes. "How about you?" Miko thought about how much fun she had with the Autobots.

"Uh....just spent time with my friends. You know Jack and Raf." She said.

"What about your friend you've mentioned before?" Jinx asked smirking. "The one that likes Slash Monkey." She smiled.

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