Chapter 8

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The green SUV drove along a dirt road that ran deep into the forest. They had driven through the thick woods for a little over an hour before they couldn't go any further. A few thick trees lay across the road. Bulkhead looked at his leader who narrowed his eyes.

"Rachet, is there another way to this location?" Optimus asked, there was only static. The leader tried calling, but couldn't get through. The two men exchanged glances.

"Looks like we're walking." Bulkhead commented. They grabbed what they needed and started hiking. The wrecker stopped at the fallen tree.

"I don't like this." He growled, and looked at his leader. Optimus looked at the logs and then at the woods just beyond. There was no road or trail to follow.

"I agree. This feels more like a trap." He said as he looked at the scanner. They stood there and stared into the woods.

"What should we do?" Bulkhead asked as he scanned the trees for movement. Optimus bent down and looked at the dirt, there were other footprints besides their own.

"We must proceed with caution." The leader said as he pulled out his gun and stood up.

Bulkhead pulled out his own gun and stepped over the logs. The two men cautiously moved through the woods as they followed the signal. They walked for a while and came to a small clearing with a single ware house. They stopped just at the edge of the clearing and crouched down. They didn't hear or see anyone. The two men exchanged glances and Optimus tried to contact the base again. He still couldn't get through. Bulkhead moved to go towards the building, and his leader stopped him. They sat their quietly for a moment.

"We mustn't proceed forward." Optimus said as he glared at the building. "I fear that this was designed to distract us from their really purpose." He said.

"Than where are they?" Bulkhead asked. They sat their in silence for a moment. Optimus glared at the woods than at the building again.

"We need to get back to the base." He said and he walked back to the car. They crossed over the fallen trees and Optimus crouched down. He picked up a small device and glared at it. It looked like an ear piece.

"Whatever we do we should not cross these fallen trees again." Optimus said as he glared at the dirt. "It's more than likely they will still try to trap us." He touched one of the footprints.

"What about the MECH base?" Bulkhead asked looking back into the trees.

"I do not think it has been occupied for awhile." The leader said as he stood up and glared at the road behind them. They suddenly heard an explosion where the building stood and they stumbled as the ground shook.

"That was too close." Bulkhead mumbled.

"We need to move." Optimus said as he headed back to the car. They got in and Bulkhead quickly turned the car around.

"Optimus, shouldn't we see what that was?" The wrecker asked as they drove.

"No, I'm afraid that isn't an option." He said as he looked in the rear view mirror.

Bulkhead followed his gaze and glared as he saw a pillar of smoke rise into the sky. The wrecker drove faster as Optimus tried to contact Rachet again. Bulkheads eyes widened as he stared at the road ahead. The forest was on fire and a few flaming trees had fallen in the road. Bulkhead slammed on the brakes and swerved to avoid another tree as it fell.

He drove backwards for a little bit, but had to stop when another fire trapped them from behind. The wrecker drove forward to avoid the flames. He stopped and the two men jumped out of the car. Optimus tried to call the base again but couldn't get through. Bulkhead got on the roof of the car and looked around for a way out. He looked at the approaching flames on either side and clenched his fists in frustration. The flames were all around and closing in on them.

"Optimus!" He yelled, his leader looked up at him. "We're trapped." He said simply. Optimus looked into the woods and glared. He still couldn't get ahold of Rachet.

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