Chapter 24

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The pilot moved his hand and looked at the blood covering it. He looked up at the scout and started to fall. Rachet and June caught him and carefully lowered him to the ground.

"Don't worry we got you." June said as she laid him down. Blades looked at them eyes wide and he winced as the doctor examined the wound.

"What's your name?" Rachet mumbled trying to keep the young man calm. Arcee ran over with some supplies. Then she helped Bee take Optimus somewhere safe from Silas's men.

"B-Blades." He gasped. June worked on getting some antibiotics into his system.

The pilots mind was racing, he had realized when they spoke to their leader that he had been helping the Bumblebee. He had been helping Optimus Prime's team. He wanted to say something, but thats when he got hit.

"Thanks for bringing the others." The nurse said calmly as she gave him the shot. He smiled then winced as the doctor cleaned the wound. Bumblebee ran over and sat by June, he looked at the young pilot with concern.

"He'll be fine." Rachet muttered as he saw the scouts distress. The young man signed quickly as he glared at the wound.

"Don't blame yourself for things you can't control." Rachet said as he went back to work.

A few minutes later.
Arcee walked in and crouched by the young scout. Blades had fallen asleep and the woman knew Bee felt guilty for what had happened. She gave him a sideways hug and looked at the injured pilot.

They suddenly heard a truck pull up and some men jumped out. They aimed their guns at the little group and Silas walked towards them. Bumblebee and Arcee stood up as they glared at him. They intended to protect the others.

"Well this is unexpected." The villain mumbled. He glared when he saw the now empty chair. "Where is Optimus?" He growled angrily. They just glared back. "Find him." He said and his men went to search.

Arcee punched and kicked the men that tried to go down the hall. Despite the guns Bumblebee ran forward and punched Silas in the face as hard as he could. The villain fell back and his men caught him. Silas stood back up and wiped his mouth. He signaled his men and they grabbed Arcee and Bumblebee. Some men attempted to grab June and Rachet but they stopped when the doctor threatened them with the bloody surgery knife.

"Back off." He growled. "I'm not going anywhere until I save this man's life."

The men backed up and looked at their leader. He nodded and gestured for them to search the place. June exchanged looks with the doctor, and she could tell he was now concerned for his leaders safety. Bumblebee fought against the men as they dragged Optimus back into the room. They dropped him on the floor and he grunted as he attempted to get up. Silas walked over and crouched by the Autobot leader. He then looked at the other captives before standing up.

"Get him in the truck." He said as he walked away.

Bumblebee fought them again and managed to get free. The men yelled and threatened to shoot him but he just ran to his leader and fought the men off. They aimed their guns at him as they yelled but didn't fire. Afraid they would hit the Prime. Arcee started yelling at them and the room became chaotic. The scout stood in front of Optimus and jabbed at anyone that attempted to get close.

"ENOUGH!!" Silas shouted and the room went quiet. He walked over to the scout and glared at him. Bee raised his fists ready to fight and defend his leader.

"Your hearts in the right place, but your awful stupid." The villain growled. His hand shot out and he grabbed the scout by the shirt. "Stop getting in my way." He seethed and he threw the scout towards his men. They caught him and held him back.

"Do what you need to keep them here." Silas growled. His men drug Optimus to the military truck and put him in. Bumblebee fought against them again and they started punching him.

"SILAS!!" The villain turned to face the doctor who was now standing up. They glared at each other.

"I won't let you harm anyone else." Rachet seethed as he limped towards him. The villain scoffed as he watched the medic. The room was quiet as the doctor stopped a few feet away and the two men glared.

"Take me and leave them alone." Rachet growled angrily. The room was silent and June bit her lip to keep from crying out. The villain scoffed again.

"Very well. If that's what you want." He signaled to his men and they grabbed the doctor. "But if they try anything I won't hesitate to shoot them." He whispered. Rachet clenched his fists and they took him to the truck.

"Rachet!" June said as she stood up, the men aimed their guns at her and she stopped. The doctor looked over his shoulder at her. He wanted to tell her that he had a plan, but couldn't for obvious reasons.

"Stay with Blades." He said, even though they had stabilized him. The men shoved him into the military truck and some climbed in after.

"Men stay here until further notice. Shoot them if they try anything." Silas ordered as he got into the passenger side. Bumblebees eyes widened as he helplessly watched them drive away.


Optimus groaned weakly and looked up to see Rachet sitting next to him. The Prime tried to get up but everything hurt. He looked around and noticed they were moving. He grunted and clutched his side as pain shot through him. The doctor knelt next to him and checked for broken ribs.

"Rachet......where..." he groaned weakly and winced as the doctor touched a bruise.

"Save your strength. Silas is taking us back to his base." He mumbled as he looked for something to help take his friends pain away. They had left the base and were now driving down the long stretch of road.

Optimus sighed in frustration and looked at the ceiling. The doctor heard a jet engine and looked up into the sky. The aircraft flew over them and he heard it circle around. He suddenly heard the aircraft fire and men yell. The truck slammed on its brakes as the aircraft shot the ground in front of them. The medic shielded the Autobot leader from anything that fell. He looked up to the sky and watched as the plane came back around. His eyes widened when he recognized it.

"YAAAAA!!" Wheeljack yelled as he fired at the military trucks. Smokescreen let out a battle cry as they pulled up again.

"Wheeljack." Rachet muttered as he smiled at the ship. He had never been so glad to see the trigger happy wrecker in his life.

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