Chapter 23

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The nurse was gathering medical supplies to tend to Bulkhead again. She heard someone get punched and she whipped around. She saw some men drag Rachet down the stairs and shove him to the ground. One man kicked him while another punched him. She ran to the doctors aid.

"Stop it!" She screamed. She ran up to the man that had kicked the doctor and punched him as hard as she could in the face. The man yelled and fell back as he held his bleeding nose.

"Leave him alone!" June yelled as she knelt next to Rachet.

He clutched his side and grit his teeth in pain. She gently touched his side to check for broken ribs and he winced. Two men grabbed her and pulled her away. Some other men yanked the doctor up and drug him to the middle of the room. He grunted as they shoved him to the ground again. The second in command pulled out a gun and cocked it.

"NO!!" June screamed as she struggled against the men. The doctor rolled to his side and tried to get up.

"Don't move." The villain grumbled as he aimed for the doctors head. "You're no longer needed. Silas won't even notice you're gone." He muttered.

Rachet looked at June and their eyes locked for a moment. The nurse had tears in her eyes and he smiled ever so slightly at her, before facing the other man. His eyes narrowed as the man glared back. There was a thud followed be a clatter as something hit the ground. The mans eyes widened and he crumpled to the floor.

Rachet stared at a wrench with a Decepticon insignia laying next to him. The doctor looked up towards the hallway and his eyes widened. Bumblebee glared at the unconscious man as he pulled his arm back from throwing the tool. Silas's men stared in surprise and Arcee attacked them. Bumblebee jumped into the fight and the room became chaotic as they fought. The nurse managed to get free and quickly ran over to the doctor. She sat next to him and hugged him tightly.

"Rachet I was so scared I was going to lose you." June whispered softly. He winced and hugged her back. She kissed his cheek as a tear fell down her face and he smiled a little.

They heard a gun cock and they looked up to see a man aiming a gun at them. The doctor glared at him and held on to June in an attempt to protect her. There was a thunk and the man went down. The two looked up to see a young pilot holding a small pipe in his hand.

"Don't worry I'll protect you." Blades grinned. June smiled at him and helped the doctor stand.

Arcee kicked another man down and looked around. Bumblebee punched a man's lights out and smiled at her. Silas's men were all out for now. The scout grinned as he looked at Blades and Rachet, but his smile disappeared when he saw Optimus. The scout ran to his leader and crouched next to him. He shook his shoulder gently and looked at him with concern. Arcee ran over and started untying their leader.

"Optimus?" She asked. He didn't respond and Bumblebee looked at her sadly. "Optimus!" She said a little louder.

He grunted weakly and the scout grinned. Arcee freed his hands and he fell forward. Bumblebee caught him and the Prime groaned. Arcee knelt in front of him as she untied his feet. The scout carefully held him up and the Autobot leader slowly opened his eyes. He furrowed his brow as he focused and looked at the scout and woman next to him.

"Bumblebee.....?" Optimus rasped as he looked at the young man. Bee smiled sadly and nodded a little. The Prime smiled weakly and seemed to relax a little. Arcee freed his other leg and smiled up at him.

"Good to have you back Optimus." She said.

Bumblebee put the leaders arm around his shoulders and carefully helped him stand. The Prime groaned as he stood and swayed a little. Bee shifted so the leader could just lean on him. Arcee walked over to the desk against the wall to find some medical supplies.

"You're not going anywhere." Bumblebee looked up and glared at the second in command that stood in the door way of the hall. Arcee looked towards the new threat and carefully walked along the wall unnoticed.

"I'm not letting any of you leave here." He growled as he cocked the gun and aimed it at the scout.

Bee just glared, all he knew was he needed to protect Optimus. But if he moved the man could hurt his leader. Arcee rammed into the mans side and the gun went off. Bumblebee squeezed his eyes shut and remained perfectly still. But the pain never came. Bee opened his eyes and looked at the Prime, he wasn't hurt. The scout looked over his shoulder and his eyes widened. Blades was holding his side and looking at it. Bumblebees eyes widened as he saw blood staining the young pilots shirt.

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