Chapter 13

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Bumblebee looked at the surrounding water, and quickly unbuckled. Their car was sinking fast and they needed to get out of it. He pushed the seat into a laying position and crawled into the back. He rammed his shoulder into the doors but they wouldn't open. His mind was racing and he wasn't sure what to do. He silently yelled in frustration and went to help Arcee.

"I've got this!" She yelled and pushed him away. She tried to unbuckle. "Just get the door open and I'll follow!" She growled.

Bumblebee glared at her and went back to the door. He knew she was just frustrated and needed help, but he didn't want to argue. He started pushing against the glass to the drivers window, but it didn't work. He crawled into the back seat and laid down.

"What are you doing?" Arcee yelled angrily. The water was around her ankles. He rolled his eyes and used both feet to kick the window.

"Bumblebee stop! You'll make it worse!" She shouted. Bee grunted as he continued to kick with all his might. The glass started to crack. "BEE STOP!!" She screamed.

He kicked the glass as hard as he could and it shattered. The scout shielded his face as water and glass covered him. Bee sat up, shook his head, and smiled because he had found a way to escape. His smile faded when he saw Arcee was still stuck to the chair. He smacked his forehead and crawled into the front seat. The water had risen to her knees and he tugged on the belt.

"No Bee! Get out of here or we'll both drown." Arcee said angrily as she pushed him away. He shoved her hand away, and tugged again, after hitting the button. It wouldn't release.

"I'm serious! Get out of here!" She almost screamed. He slapped her hand away, and she looked up at him with surprise. He glared at her and held one finger up warningly.

"Don't treat me like a sparkling." She warned as he pulled again. He looked up at her and gave her a serious look.

*Then don't act like one.* he signed. She was about to smack him, but decided to wait.

He looked around and found a shard of glass from the window in the water. He started cutting the material of the belt as quickly as possible. Arcee looked at the open window as water continued to come in. The ocean was up to her waist, and she grabbed Bees shoulder. She watched as he tried to cut the belt that was now under the water. She saw a red liquid float to the surface, he was trying to hard.

"Bumblebee. Please go." She begged as she gripped his jacket.

He ignored her and continued to cut the belt. He almost had it he just knew it. The water was up to her chest now and the scout went under to get a better idea of where he was cutting. Arcee felt herself panicking as the water rose to her shoulders. The scout surfaced to get more air. She tried to push him away to save himself, but he shrugged her off angrily and went back under. The water was up to her chin now and she put her hands against the roof as she stretched her neck for air.

"Bumblebee...." Arcee gasped, she reached under and grabbed his jacket. Suddenly she felt herself float up and she clung to the top. The scout surfaced, gasped for air and smiled at her.

*Take a deep breath and follow me.* he quickly signed.

She did as he instructed. As she went back under the scout grabbed her hand and guided her out the window. He let her go and pointed upwards. She swam as hard as she could, they had sunk deeper than she had previously thought. She felt her lungs burning, and wondered if she had taken a deep enough breath. She felt herself panicking as she swam, it felt like she wasn't going anywhere. Arcee suddenly felt a hand grab hers and place it over a shoulder. She locked both arms around the scouts neck and he swam to the surface. She was surprised that he swam so fast.

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