Chapter 2 - Crash

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Well, hello Rick." I said.

He lowered his gun down first, confusing me. My eyes followed his smooth motions, as his slowly laid the gun back into the pitch black holster that laid on his waist. 

"Who is this guy?" I thought. I could start to feel my palms get sweaty as adrenaline rushed through my body. 

"Let me ask you a few questions." He replied back. My eyes slowly softened. I loosened my tight grip on my arrow, bringing it down smoothly, having it dangle next to my thigh effortlessly.

"What kind of questions?" I said a bit hesitated with a lump in my throat.

"Just two simple questions, alright?" Rick said. I nodded in response, still confused wit what he was going to say, but I continued to listen to his misgiving words.

"First question, how many walkers have you killed?" He asked curiously. It was a question I had no answer to.  I had no clue how I could've kept count. I didn't track the amount of times my arrow went through a human skull.  All I did was kill. Every day and night of my life now, I killed. I've come to the fact that I was a killer. I didn't see the human faces behind all of the rotten flesh . I didn't see what they've been through. Instead, I just put an end to it.

"Too many to count." I said, biting my lip. He nodded his head slowly, looking around the area around the two of us. I watched as he stroked his beard, thinking what to say next. 

"Second question, how many people have you killed?" He said. My body tensed up at the question. I never really wanted to bring up people in my past. I missed each one of my family members more than I could ever imagine. They were dead. They were just, gone.

"So - " I cut Rick off.

"Two people." I said quickly, due to my dismay. 

"Why?" he said while his eyes continued to shoot daggers with suspicion, making me more nervous than I already was. 

"Because they turned into one of the dead...." I said with my voice drifting as I looked at the ground. The dead silence made me uncomfortable. I didn't know what this guy had planned. I felt myself biting my tongue and my body shaking slightly. Rick finally broke the silence.

"I have a place. It's not too far from here. It's surrounded by fences. We have food and water. We have a doctor named Hershel. ." He I just stared at him, indecisive of what I should say next. Man, Rick had it lucky. Everything he needed to survive. He probably has family members or people back at his place. A strong army built to fight anyone or anything. 

"Yeah... That'd be nice." I mumbled. I fiddled with the bow in my hand. Running my fingers down the thick string, feeling the coarse material against my skin.  I knew I was very uncomfortable around him. Well one, I haven't spoken a word to anyone in mere months. Second, I had no clue if everything he was saying is legit.

"Would you like to come to my camp? It's actually at a prison, but it works. We have a roof over our head. We grow our own crops in a garden, while we also have warm water too ." He clearly stated. My thoughts were like puzzle pieces, making myself confused at the information I was given. Yeah, he told me about it, but I had no knowledge of the lies in his eyes. 

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