Chapter 3 - The Sheriff Boy

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Carl is in the chapter, don't panic!😂🙈

Ava's POV


I felt like I was trapped, Enclosed from the real world. Almost as if I was in some sort of nightmare.

The darkness was all my eyes could take.

I felt my body shaking, but I couldn't stop it. I couldn't move. I couldn't control anything...

My eardrums filled with footsteps, harsh and loud as they pounded against the earth's ground. While there was the familiar groan that entered my eardrums.


Then, I felt arms underneath my body, engaging it close to theirs. As if they were holding me, protecting me from something or someone.

My eyes finally shot open, making them expand in size as they started to regain focus. I looked around myself, finding the green forest trees surrounding me as they hovered over me. My eyes scanned the area, until they finally met Rick's jacket.

The same leather jacket that he was in when I met him. Except, it was covered in fresh blood.

I gasped as I watched Rick. His eyes were only focusing on whatever was ahead of him. He didn't worry about everything else. I noticed the drops of sweat that managed to dripped down his face. A small cut on his cheek, open, filled with the liquid that brought death to others.

His face didn't show that bravery he had inside of him.

It just showed fear.

Feeling something on my face, I wiped it away. Only to be meant with fresh blood on my fingertips instead. He must've noticed that I was now awake because he looked back down at me,

"We're almost there Ava, try to keep your eyes open." Rick whispered.

I slightly nodded back, regretting my movements that caused me pain . I whimpered at the amount of pain that was sent through my body that was beginning to become weaker.

"Shhh... just breathe, alright? You'll get good care. " Rick whispered.

"Okay" I mumbled with my voice drifting into silence.

I felt my eyelids starting to get heavier, and heavier, pulling them down, as if it attempted to get rid of my sight. Opening my eyelids wide, I tried to resist it.

I couldn't fight it.

Distracting myself from the pain I encountered, I watched the sun that managed to peak through the small gaps in the forest trees from above.

"We're here!" Rick said through his heavy breathing. Relief washed over me as I knew I would at least get some sort of help from whatever happened to me.

At least I hoped...

I turned my head to be met with it.

There it was, the prison. Slowly, getting even more blurry in my sight that was fading.

My eyes shut one last time, before I was consumed in the darkness that overtook me.


Carl's POV

"I need help!" I heard the familiar voice from my Dad outside of the picked fences that protected us from the outside.

I dropped my tin bucket full of water as I ran down the gravel path that awaited me.

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